Interview with CP of Slovenia:Ice Killa

Day 2,082, 05:54 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

This time,I wanted to go out of our borders and to have an interview with the President of one our greatest allies,Slovenia,here I present you the interview with Ice Killa.

K=Ice Killa

First of all I want to say that is a pleasure for me t have an interview with the CP of one of the most powerful countries in Europe.Let's start

I:As I said you're the CP of one of the most influenting countries and you've been it for a while,what does it feels like? How do you manage such a huge responsiblities?

K:I never thought about it. You begin to get a hindsight after your term has ended and only then do you become aware of how influential and responsible your function is. You are, let's say, caught in this moment when you do not think about anything else except doing the best for your country. Securing your future existence. That's how every president in theory should work. Yes, it's very responsible, you have to spend a lot of time online, browse through battles, be up to date with world affairs. There's much to do, absolutely. I do not deny that.

I manage it quite well. I have a lot of spare time and I am used to being under pressure from my previous presidential experiences. This is my 8th time as CP of eSlovenia. You could say I'm fairly adopted at blending in with pressure and using it to my advantage.

You did mention in your question I am the CP of a very influential country. Sure. But it was and still is up to me to make Slovenia influential otherwise if I was to do nothing, we would have no influence whatsoever. So you see, everything is closely related to your abilities to be the president you should be, have those skills required that many many modern day players do not have. The game has changed that much that the diplomatic people from the past are fading away due to the modern day impatience. And the latter dominates political affairs in various countries - let's say Croatia for example.

I:What's the current political situation in Slovenia?(Is there's a dominating party?,most parties have it's own MU....)

K:I despise parties, I dislike us being divided into MUs. Why? Us humans are odd species, we will always argue about something trivial, unimportant. And why give anyone the chance to argue about being in different parties or MUs?
It causes needless divisions and conflicts in our society, and that is what I strive to prevent. My neutrality regarding being in no top parties or being in neither of the biggest Slovenian units may serve us well. I cannot be called biased in any matter. I value that a lot.

Yes, many units decided to move into some parties. If I might add, I am not fond of that - MUs blending with political parties. Conflict of interests may arise sooner or later.

Regarding elections, it is possible to win with the support of a small party. I ran with my own (being party president of it) and won. No other party supported me.

From time to time some conflicts may arise, but I think we are such a small country active opposition and coalition are simply not possible. People do not have the willpower for that, in comparison Serbia has enough individuals and so they play their little pointless political games. If they want to, let them. But parties create political leeches and these individuals are often lead by puppeteers. Slovenia, to sum it up, does not have that. We have parties who do not have much power - and I like that. We should not divide ourselves regarding which party we are from.

I:If Slovenia will not be available,which country would you choose?

K:In one of the interviews I said UK. I would still pick it. Otherwise I always had this secret passion for Macedonia being small, enthusiastic and brave. But they had one weakness, weren't willing to play the game in diplomatic manner.

I think Macedonia always had something Slovenia lacked and vice versa. I am fully aware it is a CoT country, but I never hated any country for being in the opposite alliance. Real life friendships are still above this place filled with nationalistic anger.

I:What's the best thing in Slovenia? And the worst?

K:The best thing I'd say would be that we have amassed quite some respect in eRepublik community due to our past actions. And I like that we in critical moments fight as one. The worst I'd say is lack of active population that would enable us to fight equally with great superpowers. It's always lovely to see your enation being amongst the most powerful - even if in a virtual game. Gives you a glimpse of something you will never experience in the landscape surrounding your computer.

I:In a few words,how do you describe the Slovenian people?

K😒illy. No other words pop up.

I:How do you rate the Austro-Slovenian relations?

K:We find Austria as our closest ally beside Serbia and UK. So we value you greatly. And I believe you rate us the same. Great recipe for long and prosperous cooperation.

I:What do you think about Austria?

K:I respect you. I find Rangeley as one of the greatest individuals I have ever met in eRepublik. He is master of his profession. He often single-handedly enabled Austria to enjoy its sovereignty - otherwise without his skillful diplomatic approach you would probably be occupied by now.

I:What are your future plans?

K:If you are asking regarding my personal future plans. I can say make some new friends as I go along. I was offered a position in the next month's government by one of the candidates running for the CP spot in Slovenia. He has fairly good chances of winning. If that happens, Slovenia will have me in the foreign affairs team.

If he does not win, I have been pondering whether to go on a two-click or not for quite some time. I am worn out, been going full on this month, gave my all for Slovenia - especially in the foreign affairs department. Enabled support for my allies, made friends with Argentina and Portugal. I put in a lot of effort. But not many at the end value that. They find it as something requiring no attention whatsoever and thus your actions fade away into oblivion.

If you are asking about Slovenia. I think we will keep on building strong relations with Argentina and Portugal and offer Serbia support if they might need it. Slovenian goal is to enable long-term stability for its community, otherwise the catastrophic decline of population can happen, prime example would be Macedonia and Bulgaria which have been occupied for some time now. If that happens to us, we will follow the Swedish scenario. Everyone will forget about us, and what we once used to be will fade away into the history of eRepublik.

I: And if you allow me a last question because I've read that you were banned in the rebellion of erepublik citizens, do you think another rebellion can happen in this days due to topics like the economy modul and other things that are totally ignored by admins?

K:Fairly unlikely. Sure, you may find some dissent. But absolutely incomparable to old times when we strove for changes, when whole of eRepublik united as one to prevent greedy administration from destroying the game we once enjoyed. I might have paid the price in being banned. Do I feel bad about it? No. I stood up for something. Not many of eRepublik players in modern days ever did that. They sell themselves like sellers of love for virtual money. Pathetic. I pity most of the players.

They keep forgetting that sometimes less is more. Minimalistic game in v1 was the most prosperous and ingenious games that I ever played in my life. It was like finding a game of my dreams. Where you actually needed some wisdom and intellect to achieve something - fight your opponents not via battlefield, but by usage of words. Greatness.

You know. They have been ignoring these changes the community has been seeking for quite some time. Nothing will change, money always prevails over quality of in-game experience. But I still believe that in the long term quantity of players brings more profit in comparison to quality of payers.

I:Thanks for this interview and good luck to achieve your goals

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