Interview with BucephalusIII [EN]

Day 2,029, 04:18 Published in South Africa Turkey by altinayapustuneotur

[EN] for english readers

1 -) Can you introduce yourself?

Currently Macedonian Prime Minister

1 x President of Macedonia
6 x assistant Military Comander in CoT
5 x Party President MO-UP
2 x MoD of Macedonia
1 x MoFA of Macedonia
5 x vMoD of Macedonia
1 x Mister CoT 😃

2 -) Do you think that the battle with eTurkey will continue?

Well that's obvious..for now I can see only battle for the middle east(Iran,UAE and S.Arabia) resources.

3 -) How was the relationship between Turkey and your country before the war?

To be honest it was a hell of a alliance back there when we have watched our backs and supported in a very epic battles against Greece.
I wont comment much but i will show you the friendship trough my articles in that time.


It ended like this

4 -) After the end of the war with eTurkey how was the relationship?

It is obvious that it fell apart cause there(in Turkey) was a change in the generation, new faces have came in the government..little number of the old players have stayed - with several of them I still have contact.

5-) How did you see this article when you gave the answer?

I expected this kind of a reaction by your current CP, also I'm not surprised when I know that there will be hard pressure by some nationalists in eGreece.
Therefore I understand the situation, but ill repeat again - this is just a game, in RL Turkey and Macedonia have very good relations and common history - one of them is Ataturk for who I have utmost respect (for those who dont know why I am mention him- write the name on google and you will see the reason).

6 -) Do you think eTurkey has a chance to join CoT?

For now that is impossible cause I know that Turkey will be hard to leave Greece, but in future it dosent mean that it cant be changed, like the alliances.
Everything is changing in this game, what is left for us is to play it with respect and enjoy the new friendships in RL.

7 -) How do you assess its current eTurkey government's policy?

They are chasing the damage, which is very big mistake when you know that if new alliances are created they will suffer the consequences cause of the artifical friendship.
Speaking of the relation between my country and Turkey, Greece is using the weapon to destroy our little respect which left in this game over RL nationalistic propaganda.

8 -) eMacedonia government and the people still want to see eTurkey as friendly country?

Of course as friendly country in RL and in this game, but what they did by accepting eGreece for new ally was a big mistake, eTurkey has to stop insulting us with the reference "fyrom" which for us is a direct attack on our identity as a nation in RL...imagine how it will be if someone tells you that you dont exist?

If we, Macedonians, didnt exist your interview would be empty.

9 -) If eTurkey government, agrees to join CoT, will you leave Arabia and Egypt?

As I said its hard to emagine that Turkey will join CoT, Macedonia will be always prepared for talks.
We wont leave this countries.
Instead of that we will leave the regions with resources which we already have and share it with Turkey - which means that Iran, S.A and UAE has enough resources for two countries and if this happen NO ONE CAN STOP US THERE 🙂