I kinda like bondage

Day 312, 21:19 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

Don't get me wrong, I don't like being tied up. But if I were to find a tied up asian girl asking me to spank her I'm not one to start asking questions.

I'm not going anywhere with this, just telling you guys a little about myself. I've been a congressman since may and I started playing this game in april. Still don't know where I'm going with this. This newspaper isn't really that old but it is famous for it's sharp poltical criticism, thinly veiled trolling and hilarious butt jokes. But that's just the kind of guy I am. Not a butt joke, my ass is firm and not penetrated and highly irrelevant. There I go again. Also, I rarely write anything while I'm sober. But I figured that since V1 is around the corner I should probably write something for my fan (I might have one, shut up) since I'm drunk anyways. So let's see what we've got.

DNS seems to be dying. My last article criticised them pretty hard and because of me the party has fallen apart and their party leader has joined FBS. This is 100% true. Also, penguins are born experts at using rocket launchers. However, I just took a look at DNS' party page and it seems josefstark is their new party president. Not that I doubt Trisen but I believe josefstark, if anyone, can get DNS back on track and actually give FBS some competition and different ideas and perspektive which is what makes FBS thrive. I've yet to see any announcement on this so I'm not sure this is anything official or maybe just coincidence but it's good none the less.

Speaking of stupid parties, DGIN, is silly and dumb. Sure, I can understand why danes and germans would want independence but when and if you get it through revolution and Grev Per becomes your president, then what? The party has presented no plan what so ever on what to do after that and most people these days weren't around when Grev Per was president so who knows what types of politics he stands for? Freedom isn't very easy to put on the political scale since both right wing and left wing politicians claim to like freedom. Except for PURJO whos biggest accomplishents in life was figuring out how to operate a mouse and masturbate simultaneously. I know this because I get my facts from a higly reliable source (I make them up myself).

This seems to be a relatively short article this time. I need some sleep and junk. But before I go I'd like to adress Gustavius directly.

I've heard you're leaving the game Gustavius. So now you know that I know. You're the oldest n00b in the game so there's no reason for you to quit. You've managed to stay a n00b for like, forever, and given me migraines over the internet, which is normally reserved for german pre-teenagers with a headset on CS servers. You are one of a kind and even though I don't get along with you I still think I would miss being annoyed by you. So don't leave. Mkay? If you still leave after this, you're a jerk and I will keep spreading baseless rumours about you until you promise to stay, starting today (I rhymed! MC Algamustache klitkarusell in the house!).

Ehum, Gustavius was born with 12 toes but had one removed since he didn't want to be different from his parents.
