I can into LIBS Party President?

Day 905, 18:36 Published in USA Canada by DMV3

Over the last few months I have done considerable work with a singular purpose in mind, trying to rebuild this party. It is with this thought in mind that I announce my candidacy for LIBS Party President.


1. Recruit and retain the talented people our party for which our party is known.

2. Create a party platform that reflects not only the values of our members, but a singular purpose that will lead our party, and our nation to greatness.

3. Create programs for the party which encourage the involvement and activity of our members.
Create an outreach program that supplies new players with supplies, and information to encourage activity, and create a party militia to give our active members a sense of unity and purpose within the party.

My VPP is mjdiv, for those of you who might not be familiar with him, he created TAMA, an alliance which hopes to build relationships not only through military goals, but also through trade and open markets. I selected him not only because we share similar views for the party, but also because he has demonstrated the energy and drive needed to build our party.

I'd like to thank everyone for their support in this upcoming election, and remember vote early, and often.

Dennis McVicker