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Day 1,464, 10:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

I know I haven’t wrote an article for quite some time but I thought “what the hell, those critics must be pretty bored without my articles (even though a lot of people haven’t read my newspaper articles yet). Anyway, let’s get down to business; I wanna talk about Ireland for a bit.
First of all we were fighting 3 sides: Holland, Canada and Ireland and we were badly losing with London being taken (remember that). Then Holland got bored, I don’t blame them to be honest we haven’t got the best food in the world. Then Sweden decided to help us team up on Canada by occupying Scotland and attacking Canada that way. Then, I think, Sweden remembered that they had some other countries to occupy, for example Norway, who have some excellent fish. So now we were stuck against Ireland and Canada again but this time we had the moral from the Swedish help and the new allies to help us. We made a bridge through Ireland and hit Canada (Which I believe was the best idea ever). Now I am going to fast forward a bit to the part where we control the whole of Ireland and Canada were asking for a ceasefire. Wow, for a minute I thought we were the best country in the world (like when England beat Spain in the recent friendly), but then I remembered we like being the underdogs and eventually we would have to pull out (England versus Montenegro). And now we are worse off than before with losing all of Ireland and even losing Northern Ireland.
OK, I admit that Temujin told us that the terms of the ceasefire with Canada did say that they were allowed to help Ireland but not by invading, but I did not expect us to lose Ireland so quickly. I bet a few of you have seen a peacekeeper on the forum trying to tempt people not to help occupy Ireland but instead let Ireland walk off with a few scratches and to that man I say no thanks because although he might of been right and it could of got us an ally or a bit of money or even a piece of paper saying we are awesome it doesn’t mean anything because at the end of the day what did we do, we showed Canada that we are not to be messed with and we can be dangerous when threatened.
Im sorry that this ones long but look on the good side the amount of comments against me and the mistakes I made in this will surely be a lot funnier than a kitten playing a banjo.
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