First steps

Day 2,105, 05:45 Published in Singapore Singapore by t0trag

You just open your eyes in eRepublik? Do not know where to start and what to explore first to grow as efficiently and harmoniously? You find it all a big nebula and you want to decipher the secrets of the game?

During the tutorial, you complete more missions. These can be accessed in the left column, by simply clicking on the one you want, and it will display a pop-up with details and requirements.

The first mission is called Training Days and its execution requirement first workout.

To reach the building workout, you have to go on My Places, My Places menu clicking, then select the category Training Grounds.

Tip: When you first go on My Places, you will be presented with a mini-tutorial on the operation of this space, follow it carefully.

To train, simply select Train to building workout, and then to click the Train button.

Once you're trained, you will display a pop-up where you can see training results and other details.

Warning: Can you train the same building only once per day, this action consumes 10 Energy.
Note: While you can buy additional buildings Train, but their training will cost in Gold .

Once you have finished making all these open again details of the mission and click on Ok, get reward.
- Rewards for this mission are: 5 Strength Points + 2 Q6 Weapons

The second mission is called "First steps in battle" and its advancement requirements in the Private and Military Rank 100 Energy recovery during a eday.

Military rank is similar Experience Level settings, but refers only to experience the battlefield, making progress on the Rank Point sites obtained after each kill.

Once you find a fight and you get into it, you will see a picture of a battlefield (during missions really "destroyed" the special weapons) and two players, you are always at the left side and the enemy straight.

To attack an enemy simply click the "Fight".

What is and how to calculate what shows you in Pop-Up:
► 1 - Damage: This is how much you contributed to that war damage for each kill your gathering at the country's total damage for which you fought. I get after each kill, depending on the number of hits, Strength, Weapon, and Military Rank.
► 2 - Natural Enemy Bonus: This is an addition to the damage that occurs when you fight for your country in a direct fight (not RW) Natural Enemy's against it (as will be future fights these days against Bulgaria ).
► 3 - Rank Points: 10% Damage. This causes the Military Rank.
► 4 - Experience Points: 1 each for every 10 Energy consumed.
Once you've killed enough enemies, you will see a pop up that informs you that you have reached the Private Military Rank. Congratulations! Next to it, you will get a small gift for this success.

By this time you touched Experience Level 2, congratulations again! As the Military Rank, a pop up will be displayed, along with another gift

Now that you have completed the mission, you can get its rewards, as you learned in step 1.
The next mission, "A Future Hero" involves killing five enemies on the battlefield, which for you is already a breeze.
Now that you're engaged , you have to work and get your first salary. 🙂

Go back to My Places. There is work under him and all your companies.

To work as an employee, you have to click on the My Work section job, even where it was Get a job before.

Caution: As an employee can not work more than once per day, this action consumes 10 Energy.
While we're on the My Places, before you go ahead and get reward mission will work in their own businesses.

To do this, in the section My companies, simply select the Work Manager that I want to work.

After this, you have to click the Start button production.

Warning: each firm can work (as manager) once a day, these actions consumes about 10 Energy.

You may have noticed that you now have available two missions. The one that interests us is this: "Daily Tasks". This mission requires you to accomplish Daily Tasks, which, surprisingly or not, you have already done. 🙂

Daily Tasks (DT) are a kind of daily mission, as the Daily Order, and find the Home Page. This "mission" implies to give at least one and at least one Work Train.

To receive their reward, just click on the Get reward.

Now you will see a pop-up with information about Daily Tasks: what reward you get the puppy and DT Day are.
- From Day 1 to Day 4 reward is 1 Experience Point 1 Strength Point.
- On Day 5 reward is 5 Experience Points and 5 Strength Points.

Mission we will handle this step is "leveling up" and asks you to touch Experience Level 5.

Tip: Go on the battlefield and kill enemies to reach Experience Level 5.

While fighting, you probably noticed (and mind) that Energy is the limit, and the recoverable, although increases by 10 every 6 minutes, not "reimburse" but he stops at the same limit.

t's time, as specified in the following two tasks that we handle to enlist!

This limit is imposed by Experience Level site you have, it increased by 20 per level, but stopping at 500 (Experience Level 21)

Note: The limit is higher, so you have more Energy in a day because you will not have to recharge it so often.
t's time, as specified in the following two tasks that we handle to enlist!

Mission "Join the Army" is a requirement in a military enlistment.

Tip: To see a list of military units, click Unit Military Community menu.

Warning: You can not enroll only military unit in the country of citizens.

Best choice for beginners is eSingapore Pro Patria. The place where you learn to play correctly and receive help.
To become a recruit in a military unit, simply in on the drive and click the "Join".
The next mission, "Full Membership" requires you to become a member whole / full of the military unit to which you belong.

For the entire membership in a military unit has to fulfill a special mission, which consists of:
► Killing 10 enemies;
► Advancement at some Military Rank, set the commander;

After completing Recruit's Order's, go back on the Home Page and click on the button Become a member.

Congratulations, you have achieved great goals and ideals sufficient for your first day of the game and you did great! Next, meet the following guide, the next day eRepublik!

Until then,

Give Work and Train daily and the reward of the Daily Tasks
 Calculate and keep you always get 100 Energy for the day in order to work.
Do not spend your gold!
 Join the SPP much easier to learn the game, get help and support, and especially to feel better and you make friends!
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