Fantastic 4.... (EN/GR)

Day 1,627, 12:30 Published in USA Greece by Black Sonia

Forgive me father,for it's been a long time since my last article..

I 've wished many times if i could teleport my self to work ,especially
now that diesel costs a fortune, or to my sweetheart ,so i can save time
(every minute counts!! ).

I've ,also, wished that i could read people's mind. There are so many of
them that i really,reaally can't figure out what they are trying to say..
We've lost our ability to express our thoughts and feelings with all that
slang, emoticons and staff like that.

I sometimes pray i had the strenght to smack down those who hurt me.
Feel invincible,for a change!! So many many people
that deserve much more than a slap οn the butt..

I'm sure i can write for hours,about the powers i would like to have...
Did you ever thought about it? can you choose only one?

Ας μάθουμε ο ένας τον άλλον καλύτερα...
Αν είχες την ευκαιρία να μπορούσες να διαλέξεις μια δική σου, ξεχωριστή ικανότητα, τι θα ευχόσουν να είσαι? Ανίκητος, αόρατος, να πετάς, να διαβάζεις την σκέψη.... το έχεις σκεφτεί ποτέ? Εδώ στο παιχνίδι, μπορείς να είσαι όποιος θέλεις, έξω από αυτό??
Δεν θέλω να αρχίσετε τις ανοησίες, είναι ένα παιχνίδι..ξέρω ότι όλοι είστε ευχαριστημένοι με τους εαυτούς σας...