eSerbs open your eyes!We are here

Day 2,714, 07:50 Published in Serbia Greece by MANIATISgr

These days i see Serbs doubt about frienship between really doubt?Guys open your eyes...look at me,i am greek and i became serbian citizen for not betrayed my own brothers and believe me i am not the only one,some others moved to serbian mu and many many others fight with your side in battles (exept the dictators).

A good question is what`s going on eGreece?

In eGreece we have 2 sides...the first one is the dictators,a center wing named "Hellenes Terroristas" and the most of them are in 2 mu,GAMA and MYRMIDONS (they prefer turks for their ally,THEY fight agaisnt eSerbia,not all the greeks!)...the second one is all the other eGreeks who still love and want eSerbia for our ally.

Thats the big truth about us...and stop listen the propaganda of fyrom and others who say that eGreece betrayed you,we are here,we never forget our orthodox brothers o7