eRepublik today, eDictatorship tomorrow.

Day 2,621, 13:33 Published in Serbia Sweden by Misho

eRepublik, the name says it. Electronical Republic;

Republic, a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth. a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.

For the first time we are looking to see changes in the system how to lead the game. Knowing admin correct it will probably be possible to become leader of a nation by using the VISA card instead of collectig votes in elections. Even if so, it would be an improvement since we desperately need a change after 7 years of nothingness in the political module.

I do not believe that many players are willing to use the VISA card to become a leader of a nation. I do though believe that quite a lot of players are eager to role play different types of governments. Will we see theocracy come back? Will players link their Military Units to their style of governemt? Will we see dictators trying to overthrow their opponents and will the type of planned economy - communistic systems - we saw in the beta days come back?

Please admin, try not to screw this one up.

Yours in War,