Disscusions platform

Day 1,462, 10:31 Published in Croatia Romania by deus otiosus

So we have the possibility to say what we want through our newspapers, but the admins have the possibility to delete every single article they don't like - which basically means that we don't have the right to publish what we want. I guess we all agree with last point (Plato included), but it is only Plato that agrees with the two points.
So, we have a problem, and we want to solve it. The biggest problem I see is that we are (in our minds) bonded to the admin-ruled world. The solution? An external platform where we could share our informations (like articles bound to be deleted), a platform which is not controlled by Plato. It's easy to create it, easy to maintain it, easy to make it know eWorld-wide. What we need is some money (less than tanking for 5 minutes), some "elders" to moderate it, some means of getting access with the in-game name, ... you name it, and should you want, let's do it!

Occupy eRepublik!