Dear Citizens

Day 2,724, 14:50 Published in Austria Austria by sinisa91

Dear Citizens,

First of all, I'd like to thank you for trusting me and electing me for president of eAustria.

What I would like to say is that I will respect people who are native on theese lands, and that I am immensely thankful to you for support you've given. Without you this would not be possible.

I want to cooperate, and focus on improving economy, informing, MU's, and I will be open for your suggestions.

eAustria has been trough a lot of terrible things, media war, political war, occupation etc. We had really bad cooperation, and this is message to all of you that everything can be solved peacefully. Together we can prosper, and make eAustria better country.

I think that progress and better interrelationships can be achieved only trough dialogue and that is attitude that I will stand for.

People I have been speaking with lately are Schwrzwolf nad Rangeley and we came to conclusion that best thing for eAustria is peace and tolerance.

Considering PTO, I've said it earlier, for me it is over, it failed, and it is not good thing because we dont have congress, bonuses and many other things.

From now on, political party United Austria will focus on democracy, cooperation with other parties and people and will be strictly against PTO's. If someone doesnt like party's statute, you are free to leave it, but United Austria will no longer support PTO's and story ends there. Every PTO attempt will be strictly condemned and acted against it. Everyone who is for democracy and improvements of eAustria status is welcome in party.

Considering CS's, when time comes and we have congress, hopefully soon, and if United Austria has availabe CS's to distribute, noone will be allowed to do it without permission of “MIA of eAustria” (Ministry of internal affairs). People will be chosen on their reliability, and if they turn out to be loyal, they will be granted priority. By doing that we will diminish chances of PTO.

Once again thank you all for your support, and I hope that we will eAustria
beautify peace and stability.
o7 🙂