Challenge for Temujin94

Day 1,446, 15:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

O.K. so what if Temujin94 won, who cares. It doesn’t matter anyway. No one will remember if you battle King Kong or fight Darth Vader, only if you win. So celebrate while you can Temujin but none of it matters unless you lead the eUK to victory.
So I lay a challenge to the prime minister himself, be the one who stops the second coming of the Canadians, be the one who takes Ireland with force and keeps them in your hand until next month and finally, be the one who tells Largo Creighton Smith he’s a dick for stealing my place in congress (LoL joke he’s quite a nice person).
Hopefully Temujin will accept this challenge and prove me wrong but until then he has a long way to go before he’s fighting the Somalian navy (Subscribers inside joke). Maybe one day we can look at Temujins’ history and go he was quite a good guy, not as good as Thomas765 obviously (Tom by this time would have shot Celine Dion and told Mika that he can’t be gay if his songs are about women).

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