Budget May 2009

Day 543, 08:58 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Good Morning Fellow e-Australians. Most of you will be reading this as you wake up, but for those night owls it’s still morning. This public meeting has been called in order for me, in consultation with the Department of Finance (Ranger-Bob and srg91) to present an accurate accounting of the accounts of eAustralia for the period of May. It has been a little while coming but being new to the job I felt it better to present an accurate budget (if you can call something made up after most of the expenses a budget) We hope to present an accurate budget during the changeover next month.

Firstly for your ease of viewing here is the spreadsheet


When I first started looking at the figures they did not appear to add up. With the monthly taxation income coming to approximately $16000 dollars it just does not seem like it will stretch far enough to cover the budget. First let me tell you about this estimate. This is based on the average income per day over the first week of Patti’s second term. Already in the 2nd week it has become apparent that this will increase, however since it is a budget I will present you with a conservative figure, since I would rather have more than I expected at the end of the month, not less. This figure is arrived at by looking at the daily increases in the treasury. Our actual income in tax is around $720 a day but after paying for new citizens it is somewhere between $530 and $590.

This is the natural income of the country, ie. We cannot do anything to artificially increase it, short of raising taxes (this could send people overseas, eventually lowering income). AS such I will proceed to look at the expenditures that have been inherited from previous months or been approved this month by Senate already.


Although saving money through spending less on gifts centrelink is spending around $1000 a day for a monthly sum of $30000. This is the figure for the government run companies to survive as well as for the moving tickets to allow citizens to get a boost from the war-games and gifts up to 40 wellness( so you can fight in a war to get a boost). There is currently a discussion between ministers about who pays for the military companies, the military or centrelink. I expect an accounting of centrelink spending soon.


Previous to this month senate approved the expenditure of approximately 225 gold, over 3 months for an average of 75 gold a month. There was also a print of 150 gold, with $25000 to go into the military budget, and $5000 into treasury. This $25000 is to supply Australian troops with weapons, and for other general military spending. I expect a report from the Department of Defence about their spending soon.

Petitions to the Senate:
The following spending I highly recommend to senate:
7 Gold to create and organisation for the Minister of Information, and a paper. This spending is integral to the role as the MoIf must be able to publish information to do his job. This is a once off fee, and must never be paid again

The following Spending I recommend to Senate at their discretion:
7 gold for the creation of an organisation and paper for the MoFA to publish news about foreign affairs, updates on alliances and information about Australia’s stance.

The following Spending is Pending a Trial:
5 gold for the organisation known as the “Reserve Bank” to be reimbursed equally between Ranger-Bob and Srg91.

How Are We Going To Pay For This?

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that our taxes will not cover this.
As such I need to inform the Senate that the Department of Finance is currently aiming to sell approximately $700 for gold daily. This combined with the 160 gold made in the first week of the month will cover our monthly expenses in gold. Any extra that is sold, or any extra taxes as income will go into national savings.

So why do we need 460 gold?

75 gold for war games
350 gold for printing AUD

That got your attention didn’t it.

I hereby recommend a further 200 gold print of AUD totalling 40K AUD. This money will primarily be spend on Centrelink (about 20k) and the Monetary Market (about 10-15k)

The Dangers of Printing
If the Government is not careful with the release of such funds the dreaded “inflation” word will come up. However with people quitting, taking AUD to the grave and more people joining we *need* more AUD to make our economy go round. People reach level 6, 30 days working in a row and strength 5 and have gold. Until you can buy a company most things cost AUD which means people are looking for AUD to buy.

All big countries print money at a far greater rate than Australia and considering the dollar has appreciated recently there is room for more money in the economy. We will not push this too hard and will keep a close eye on it.
This will of course need approval and we have about 10 days funds left in the National Bank.
You will notice a couple of things about the spreadsheet.

1)The gold to Print and the AUD printed has already been included.
2)Also something that confused even our esteemed Prime Minister, I have included the AUD that we sell on the MM as an expenditure, and the gold received as income. This is because we effectively spend AUD to gain Gold. Think of it like this. The military spends AUD on weapons, but they disappear as soon as you use them. I spend AUD on Gold, and it doesn’t disappear, therefore becoming an income to the account.

Finally the Result of the budget.

If all these measures pass and the Money Markets work close to what they are expected to the budget will be a surplus *waits for applause to die down* The operating surplus is around 16 gold and 1000 AUD but we are expecting more taxation revenue and possibly that revenue sold for Gold, so the operating surplus could well be larger.

Thanks for your attention, I hope this explains everything.


In a nutshell We earn 16000 and print 70000 AUD
Thats 86000 AUD
WE spen😛
25k on defence, 30k on centrelink and 30k on the money market

We earn 460 gold from the money market (and negligible amounts through tax)
We spend 350 on printing and 75 on war games and 19 on orgs.