Bombay for President

Day 2,754, 01:06 Published in India Croatia by Anubis.3

By Harsha jayanthi

It's that time of the month again. The presidential elections are here and it's going to be quite a contest. Before we delve into the heart of this matter, let us have a cursory look at all the candidates so far.

reborn from the ashes

Reborn, a veteran of two presidential terms is in the running for a third. The current president of Yuuva is well known for his flaymboyant style of functioning and out-of the way ideas. It appears that reborn is banking on a shadow campagin and his past prestrige to carry him through, for no word has come of any manifesto.


For a while now, rituraj has existed as the perninal opposition canditate; possibly a back-up to step in if all the other canditates developed cold feet. Most of his votes come from unknown inviduials, disgrunted with the other running canditate.

Bombay bomb

After a successful first term, Bombay is back in the reckoning for a second term. With the support of three of the major parties – DPI, CPI and IF, President Bomb is all set to take on Reborn and Yuuva, which has held sway on the Indian poltical landscape until now. Backing him up are a string of successful schemes – the BAY scheme for providing sustainable food subsidy, the well-known Diplomatic agents programme to name a few.

By now, most of you are familiar with the musical-chair nature of the presidency. A president is elected with great fanfare...

After 30 days in office – 28 if you happen to be elected in feburary, it's time to leave.

Just like that. You could have solved eIndia's hunger problem, ran a successful invasion of Pakistan, defeated windfall in chess....yet, it's all over, just because the next guy wants his turn. Sometimes, good presidents are thrown out by people who want medals.

It's time all of us took a stand and picked the best candidate, who wants to be president, so that he can carry the country to greater heights, rather than those who want to cross off “Become a president” from their bucket lists.

Typically, we at the Giza Gazette prefer not to support a particular candidate. But, in this case, Bombay Bomb has our unequivocal support, for showing the will to stand against the flow. It is time we started rewarding our presidents for their past work – only then, will our government become stronger, allowing them to finish what they started.

That's all for today. I wish both candidates best of luck! - and rituraj, a jolly Christmas 🙂