Austria:In Personal Episode V-Travis James

Day 2,168, 02:15 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

Some time without writting any interview,today I present you the 5th interview to the most notable people in eAustria,today the founder of the most numerous party in eAustria:The ÖIP.He is Travis James.

T=Travis James.

I:First of All thanks for accepting this interview,It's a pleasure for me to host it.You were the president when Austria wasn't almost Austria,you are the founder of the ÖIP and a 18 times congressmember,apart of that,How do you describe yourself?

T: Well, apart from the work that I’ve done in the eAustrian government and politics I like to think of myself as a simple citizen. Everything that I’ve ever done in my elife was done in order to help make eAustria a stronger, more vibrant country. For example, when I founded the OIP I did it because Austria was still dominated by the Rot Weis Rot Party (which had been the unity party created after Austria fought resistance wars to become independent from German control) and Illuminous Austria Party (which was mostly Brazilians and other PEACE GC citizens). I felt that Austria needed an independent voice to help us go our own way.

I:The nick is the key to recognise aperson in erep,why did you choose to be called Travis James?

T:This one is actually very simple; I chose to be called Travis James because those are my first and middle names in RL.

I:What does your profile picture means for you?

T:I chose a photograph of Colonel Stauffenberg as my profile picture because he’s a person who inspires me. I admire his integrity, his bravery, his honor and his sense of duty.

I:Why did you choose eAustria?

T:I chose eAustria because my Grandfather was a RL Austrian and I had just visited the country (Tyrol to be specific) a few weeks before I started my eRepublik account.

I:If Austria didn't exist in erep,which country would you choose?

T:If there wasn’t an eAustria in eRepublik I would have probably chosen my RL country, USA. However, I don’t imagine that I would have ever gotten so involved in playing the game in a larger country like the eUSA and I probably would have died long ago.

I:What's the main difference you can observe between the eAustrian current and past political situation?

T:The main difference that I see between the political situation of now and that of the past is unity. In the past we had the OIP championing eAustria and doing whatever was necessary to help the country. In those times there was always another major party that was putting a major global alliance before the interests of the nation. First it was the Illuminous Austria party that was working for Peace GC. Later it was the National Front Austria Party that was trying to bring Austria into an alliance with Croatia and their allies. In the current time, I see that all of the contending parties are operating on an Austria first policy that is very refreshing. Obviously, as the founder of the OIP I will always hold that party as the gold standard, but I have no problem admitting that the other parties are all doing excellent work to help this country move forward.

I:What do you miss the most from the past days?

T:I guess the main thing that I miss from the old days is the struggle to better the country. As happy as I am that we don’t have major PTO parties trying to use eAustria as tool in a larger struggle, I do miss feeling that what I did as party president and National president was of the utmost importance to keeping Austria independent and on the right trajectory.

I:In your opinion,what's the best thing in eAustria right now?And the worst?

T:The best thing about eAustria right now is the unity of purpose that I have observed. It brings me an incredible amount of joy to see the parties working in unison to strengthen this country and to see that we have achieved a sense of unity that this country hasn’t seen at any time since the war of independence against Germany 4 years ago. The worst thing that I can see about the country is that we are still seen by larger countries as a target for PTO’s. I very much dislike the fact that certain elements view eAustria as an easy place to come and try to gain medals and meddle in our affairs. However, I know that we will prevail against such attempts as we always have.

I:Why did you decided to leave erep?

T:Why did I decide to leave Erepublik… That’s an interesting question and it has a relatively simple answer. I moved to South Africa in RL just before I left Erepublik. That in and of itself didn’t make me want to leave Erepublik, but I had a very hard time finding consistent access to the internet in South Africa and that eventually led to me deciding that I should stop playing until I could get a consistent access again.

I:And,why did you returned?

T:Why did I return to Erepublik… That is an equally interesting question and it has a similarly simple answer. I moved back to the USA in RL and once again had access to the Internet on a daily basis. Initially, I didn’t come back to the game. I had essentially moved on from Erepublik and was happy and content in that situation. However, I got bored and wanted to see what was going on in my beloved eAustria. Because of that curiosity, I revived myself and the rest is history. I love this game too much to not be an active player when I have consistent access to it. I haven’t been as active as I wish that I could be, because I mostly use my mobile these days, but I do what I can to help.

I:What changes would be positive for eAustria?

T:I think the best change that we could see for eAustria would be for outside groups to realize that this country is sovereign and shouldn't be targeted by PTO attempts.

I:In your opinion, which countries have been the best allies for eAustria in it's history?

T:Historically I think that France, South Korea, Japan, and Hungary were some of our better close allies. Clearly, the situation does change over time, but those are the countries that stick out in my mind.

I:Whom do you miss the most from the old days?

T:I can't say that there is really anyone in particular that I miss from the old days. We are lucky to still have many of the "old guard" around today. Just off the top of my head, I think that former presidents Lynari and Metallon were good influences within the country.

I:What are your plans for the future?

T:As for my own future, I like to think that when I get more time I might be able to take a more active role within the OIP again if they have any uses for me.

I:Thanks a lot for the interview and good luck to achieve your goals.

Austria:In Pesonal

More Interviews:
Episode IV: Prince of Austria
Episode III:exkrementensammler
Episode II:Schwrzwolf
Episode I:Luis Grindl

Thanks for reading 🙂