Austria:In personal Episode IV-Prince of Austria

Day 2,076, 08:12 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

Fourth chapter of Austria:In Personal the space when the most notable Austrian Citizens are interviewed,this time Prince of Austria.

(An archive image)

Prince of Austria😛

I:Welcome Prince of Austria it's a pleasure to have an interview with you, let'start, how do you describe yourself?

P:The pleasure is all mine yst31, thanks again for your work! Well.. I want to think of myself as a good, helpful guy. Humble servant when it comes to saving my beloved country Austria. Not so good towards my enemies 😃

I😮ne person, two names, What does Prince of Austria and KilleRD means for you? And what's the difference between them?

P:Indeed, I have two names. Most people know me as KilleRD, the nickname I used a year ago. Nothing special about it, the last letter "D" stands for my RL name. Prince of Austria is my current nickname, which I didn't really want to use (call it a mistake, because I was trying names that aren't already used and I accidentely changed my name) but in the end I spent 5 golds and got a new nickname. Now 50 golds for a new name is a fantasy for me 😃

I:That's a great lesson for everybody 🙂, let's talk about Austria a bit, you are 4 times president of Austria one of the persons who have been in the post for the most, what moment would you choose of all that months as president?

P:I had a lot of good and bad moments while I was president. The first time it was kinda scary because I didn't know how to be a president. But in the second or third term (I can't recall the exact one, but I think it was the third term) we were attacked by Croatia and Romania. I remember the battle for Lower Austria. I will never forget that day. Every Austrian citizen wanted to see their homeland free, and I had to make that happen. In the end we went full scale attack, either we lose and stay slaves for another 2-3 months or we win and start to liberate our regions one by one until our enemy is destroyed.

I:You are a quite experienced member in Austria, what differences can you see between the "old"Austria and the current one?

P:Austria is a small country by number of citizens, but she was always there for our allies. She was target for many enemies, individuals as well, who wanted to hurt her. But we are still here no? That means we did the only natural thing when we were threatened. We survived! We endured and we evolved! And now we are stronger, our community is united and I'm sure we'll deflect every threat and we'll stop every enemy from causing damage to our beloved country.

I:What advantages has Austria towards other bigger countries in your opinion?

P:Well to be honest, we can't face bigger countries, war with them, etc. But we have something that bigger countries don't have. We have a tight community. We all look for the best of Austria, while in bigger countries its easier for people to separate and forget the only important goal: look out for their country. Other advantages (where we usually get money in return) are region swaps, region rents, but its been a long time since we've given any region for a rent, and to be honest we don't need it now. Our Ministers of Finance are working very good, so we don't have to worry about money 😃

I:When you first started here why did you choose Austria?

P:To be honest, it was a random pick 😃
But soon after that I realized that I made the greatest choice of the century, because I met very cool friends here.

I:If Austria wouldn't be available which country would you choose?

P:I'd rather not play the game then. But if my head was on the line and I had to make a real quick choice.. then I'd choose Switzerland 😃

I:In your opinion, does the Austrian community has any problem?

P:The Austrian community has only one problem if you ask me. The flooding of the media. Maybe those rules have changed, but as far as I know the only official languages used in Austria are German and English. But I don't even want to mention who publishes articles like that, because they don't deserve any attention now, and if you ask me, those corruptors of our country don't belong in our community 😃
Other then that, our community is quite good, or as I want to say: perfect 🙂

I:In a previous question I asked you about presidency feelings, but what is your best moment in Austria? And the worst?

P:Best moment when I first met my new friends on chat, worst - maybe when I first saw Austria erased from the map. But I knew we'll eventually liberate ourselves 😛

I:You're also the president of the ACP, what plans do you have for the party? And what do you want to achieve with it?

P:ACP is my occupation now. I'm putting a lot of effort in the party. Making it better and better. Due to the fact we don't have a lot of members, I came up with a plan to make coalition with the other leftists party in Austria, ASM. Turns out today we have results of the congress elections. 9 congress seats total, if I'm not mistaken. Thtats pretty good. What do I want to achieve with my party? Only the best for Austria.

I:Yes a great result, some voices of both parties (ASM and ACP) are claiming for a fusion, what do you think about it?

P:Well I think this way is better. Leaving an empty party because of a fusion isn't a good thing. But as it seems our coalition is working quite well, and I'm happy for that, so if u ask me I think there is no need for a fusion.. yet 😛

I:You have been here for a while and many people goes as much as come, but whom you miss the most?

P:Thats easy. Erdoni, the first president that offered me a cabinet job. He quit playing the game when admins deleted our money, and there isn't a way you can convince him to come back. At least he comes on chat every now and then..

I:And is there anybody that you are happy that finally have left or have been banned?

P:I'm not happy when someone leaves the game, but I have someone to mention. He was my best friend, and then betrayed me, along with everyone else is Austria. Because of good "relations" I won't include names, but I'm sure some of you will know who I'm talking about.

I:Whom do you consider as the best ally of Austria?

P:The best ally of Austria according to me is Slovakia, and always will be. I hope they think the same for us. I'll never forget their help, this alliance we built so far will become unbreakable.

I:Who do you recomend me to have an interview with?

P:I think you should make an interview with Rangeley. He is a very interesting guy, funny and sociable. Helped me a lot when I was still a rookie in this game, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay the favor.

I:What plans have KilleRD/Prince of Austria for the future?

P:I don't have any particular plans for the future. My priorities will be to help Austria with the help of my party, the ACP. Other than that I'm willing to help any individual that asks for help.

I:Thanks for this interview and good luck for you and hope you reach your objectives 🙂

P:Thanks for the interview yst31 and keep up the good work!

Austria:In Pesonal

More Interviews:
Episode III:exkrementensammler
Episode II:Schwrzwolf
Episode I:Luis Grindl

I want to continue with this part of my newspaper,I consider it nice and for that reason I also want to start Austria:International Edition with inerviews with CP's of other countries.let's see how it goes 🙂

Thanks for reading