Analyzing DNS

Day 297, 05:29 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

I've decided to take some time and list what makes DNS so different from FBS by taking a look at their partymission, piece by piece, and comparing it to my own party, FBS. Also known as analyzing. (HAHAHA! Anal!) Ok, here we go.

"- A sincerity against all members
Within Democrats of New Sweden we protect the equality of every human being, and as a proof of that we invite every member to participate in our party meeting. The sincerity principle is of outermost importance for us as it grants legitimity to the party's decisions and visions. With this in our minds we also try to present uncensored logs of every party meeting."

It starts of with a bunch of the same old stuff you usually see with equality etc. As if every other party wants to build a cast system. It took me only two weeks from when I started getting active in politics to become a congressman for FBS. The fact that they invite everyone of their partymembers to their party meetings also seems a bit redundant to have in your party mission because it kinda seems like a nobrainer. FBS encourages all our members to be as active as possible and participate in party meetings. We keep logs of every meeting in case anyone is interested. However, our meetings are for FBS members only, just like IRL parties.

Well, I thought I'd point out the differences between the parties after each paragraph but none of this stuff is really relevant. It seems the only point of this paragraph is to entice people to join the party.

"- Committees within the party
Since Democrats of New Sweden wants everyone to be active and involved in the politics of the party, we have created committees within the party with the duty to handle different parts of the party. This is first of all to increase the activity and participating of the party members, but also to have a much more structured shape within the party."

I did some digging around in the DNS forums to find out exactly what these "Committees" are. First there's EnKom, which is basically in charge of their economy and their companies. Then there is InKom which is supposed to recruit members and give the public information about the party. But I found a thread where it seems they've decided to turn it into a propaganda machine. In any case, it's a political newspaper. FBS also has a political newspaper. We do not, however, run any companies in the name of the party, but we'll get back to that.

"- Humane salaries for the people
Democrats of New Sweden stands for a free market, it is of outermost importance for us. But a totally free market could damage the workers by creating inhumane working conditions. That's why we within The New Sweden wants to create governmentally owned companies within an undecided number of sectors on the market that will hold up the salaries for the workers. Our goal is not to compete with proprietary companies, but to only play along in a corner with the hope to keep salary standards, and hopefully prevent inflation in the future."

This is downright retarded. First of all there are already companies run by the government but they are required to compete with the private sector as little as possible and the goods they produce are to be stockpiled in case of emergency. As for the Q1 hospital company, that's to prepare workers for the upcoming construction sector. As far as salaries go, I remember this little tidbit from Erepublik Insider: "Congress will be able to: - set a country minimum wage". Hmm... Seems that would make this idea completely inane. So their argument against having a free market is invalid and it seems like a conflict of interest for a party to be running their own companies if they really believe the market should be free. In that regard, they sound more like MSAP than FBS.

"- A defence made out of steel
Democrats of New Sweden wants a strong defence always ready to defend Sweden and the allies of Sweden. Aggressional wars that costs thousands of gold is not of interest for Democrats of New Sweden. We want to avoid war as much as possible, but we realize that war is sometimes needed and that it's not a possibility to avoid it to the fullest. Strategical battles must sometimes be fought for the nation's best. In fact, we must judge every situation with a new pair of eyes. We know that no situation is the other one alike, but we promise that no war will be fought just for the sake of clicking on an extra button once in a while."

Just like FBS. Check.

"- Integrate the new citizens
Democrats of New Sweden wants every person that comes to Sweden to have a chance of understanding and being able of participating in the politics of eSweden, we want them to be a part of the country. That's why Democrats of New Sweden is doing everything they can to make Sweden into an english-speaking country, so that every person from every nationality have a chance on understanding what is said."

I do believe most articles are written in both our native tongue and english usually. And that goes to all current erepublicans in sweden today. Germans, Poles, Danes and Swedes. Good thing DNS came up with that or we would all have been pretty gosh darned confused right now. This is just an other sell to try to gain voters because it is something everyone does.

In conclusion: It seems DNS only have two valid arguments in their partymission. One is about the military, and basically they are describing the critically acclaimed force of justice that is the Swedish military that we have seen take form during the reign of FBS. So that won't change if you vote DNS. Then there is the stuff about the market which to me, makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

And still, DNS calls us vague? Their partymission is nothing but vague filler and other than that they're pretty much a bleak copy of FBS.

