Algaroth FAQ

Day 325, 00:53 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

I promised in my last article that I would post a FAQ about me based on questions from my loyal readers. Fanboi has done a great job pestering me with questions this past week but since he already published those (you can read his most recent one [a url=]here[/a]) I'll omit them and simply add the questions other users have asked me. Here we go.

Why don't you ever write in swedish?
Because swedish isn't my native tongue. I master the language just fine but I feel that when I write in english I get a better flow. Hihihi... Flow. Hehe... Menstruation...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Womens rights...

Where was I?

Why do you believe people should vote for you?
Because at this time Danny is leading and for some reason Carradine isn't in the race. Not that I would have voted for him if he was, that would've been stupid.

Indeed. Are you the athletic type?
What a dumb question. Ask yourself this: Do I want a party president that can't do a backflip? And then ask yourself: Can danny do a backflip? Not without dropping his hat, he can't.

That has no relevance to anything!
That's not a question!

Fine! What do you say to the critizism posted by Flammbar that you've been "passive" this last month?
As I've said earlier I've had a lot going on IRL recently. Deaths in the family and stuff. There's simply been a lot for me to take care of recently but things are looking up for me again so I figure it's time to get back in the saddle (and ride off on a singing fat lady).

Spare me the imagery, please. What can you tell us about Hypogeum?
It's a club with some of the most ambitious and clever gentlemen in erepublik. We're busy planning the next Nobel Prize ceremony, which is just around the corner. Guess who's not invited.

Me? =o(
HAHAHA! Lamest question ever. But yes, you. Everyone else can come. And there will be cake.

That's it for now. Keep sending those questions, and vote for me god damnit!