Alga God Damn Christmas.

Day 1,130, 18:03 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

On the day before christmas, I went to work,
And there was not enough money to pay me so instead of working I found the nearest person in the vicinity and assuming it was a secretary, slapped her hard upon her buttox and told her that Grev Per needs to call me. Seriously.

As it turns out the secretary was Pho3nix on his way home. He kicked me in the crotch and after I recovered from not lying in the fetus position and absolutely not crying I continued quite manly towards Grev Pers house.

When I arrived at his house *I noticed he had turrets around his house shaped like hams for some reason. At first I thought it was chistmas camouflage but then I saw they where all labeled S.K.I.N.K.E. And if you understand danish that makes sence.

Dangerous technology, I thought...
So then I saw a cat walking by and I figured it might have been his cat so I grabbed it, farted on it, and threw it in his window which might have been open. I'm about as sure of that as it was his cat. Also, I put a silly hat on the cat. That'll teach him.

Merry Christmas and junk.