Adriatica Toxic logo

Day 3,078, 05:03 Published in Croatia Croatia by Nightwolf123
Hi all erepublikans and also hi to Adriatica alliance

As you know earlier I send my graphic solution for Adriatica alliance and it is rejected by HQ. I was not informed about the causes of rejection.

In earlier post written on Bosnian lang, I write about background of my solution so you can read that here (use google translate)

New Adriatica logo is flame with name of alliance on it, and strange symbol.
So I chechked that up and find out that is symbol for toxic waste.(lol)

Here si alliance logo:

Here is search of toxic waste symbol.

So long live Adriatica - Toxic Waste alliance.

This is not troll article. The main motive of this article is to point out the mistake. This article is published by me, as a journalist, does not represent political or any other stance of my country.