ADP - Free Food Wednesday/Congress Elections

Day 2,835, 02:48 Published in Australia Australia by Guagature

Welcome to another Wednesday Tuesday weekly food drop 😎

Firstly I must say I apologies to any member who does not get into congress as I failed to update the listing in time, somewhere I have lost a day already this week with my RL busy schedule.

Once the elections come to a close ADP members should keep an eye out for the notification from Pluto to say they made the spot. Again we are the voice of eAustralia and our party so we must make our voice heard in the congress pm in-game. Question where our money is, question why we are sending a NE to eIndo, question every move so the community is heard and we are fully aware of the intentions of others towards our community.

Now which one of you ADP members wants your free weekly 200 Q5 food?

Did I hear none?

That’s good as this week if this article reaches 50 votes before the 2 days is up then ADP members who comment will receive an additional 10 Q7 tanks on top of the standard 200 Q5 food. Just comment below and it will be sent out as soon as I can spare the time,
and remember to keep an eye open in the media for Government and ADP articles of interest.

A VOTE/SHOUT/COMMENT of these articles will ensure that the government sees we are an interested community so we can get first hand information on battles to fight, who our allies are and especially where our country is heading....

Until next time ADPer’s, munch munch munch and fight fight fight for our communities interest.....