A Despotic Analysis

Day 2,658, 12:24 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier

For those with there heads under boulders, let me give you some context. We unanimously brought Rylde into power without really much badgering or any angry articles.

This is my couple-of-days-in analysis, please enjoy.

Personally, I find the whole thing fascinating.

The last month has proven to, if not everybody, at least me that eCanadians are unable to function in a working democracy. Constant PTOs and the general lack of respect for the sanctity for other parties on all accounts are the culprits I feel, that and the fact that a working bunch of only eight people really truly ran the country in the first place. Democracy, is a playing field for the rich and powerful, and that won’t go away anytime soon. The shift of eCan towards dictatorship means that only one of those powerful people is in control at the same time. At least now we know who to blame.

If the concentration of power in eCanada was narrow before, it is even narrower now. Obviously. The simple fact of the matter is that our self-styled despot is now an actual despot. The whole point of the dictatorship update was to introduce some fun and backstabbing into the game, and rightfully so. Now we can do so with Erepublik labs approval. Paradoxically, this has completely silenced the media sh**storm that was released the minute the PTO of the CPF took place, and has unanimously whipped everybody together into a state of compliance. I feel this is the direct opposite of what was intended. What happened?

eCanadians have always worked better under occupation, maybe it’s a subconscious psychological ideal that we all have. Maybe we’ve gotten so used to being occupied that we’d rather be taken over by one of our own than be occupied by a foreign power.

Yet, interestingly, we may indeed benefit from it, which is the other reason everybody hasn’t gone all up in flames just yet, me included. We’ve seen taxes raised; a necessary item of business to rebuilding the country and the government coffers. We’ve seen import taxes raised on weapons and food to stop foreign sellers and to promote local ones, an arguable benefit or hindrance, but regardless, we have been warned that if prices begin to rise exponentially, that will go back down to 1%.

The thing I find moderately amusing about the update is it really was never mentioned whether the dictator would have the ability to embezzle money into their Swiss bank account.

On a side note, I highly recommend playing the game Tropico if you ever get the chance

In the end we meet the credentials of a bunch of lemmings, willing to follow along a certain path so long as it brings us a little stability. The question we’re going to have to ask ourselves here is for how long? I must, however, praise Rylde’s initiative to still give gold out for congress medals, and I’ll be interested to see if he includes them in some advisory role.

“Elected congressmen will receive 5 gold in cc according to the current market at time of the election.”
From Rylde’s article, http://goo.gl/7htvF8

On the same token, governments beget their own downfall, just look at the liberal party at the end of the sponsorship scandal back when Paul Martin was Prime Minister. So far, the tone of Rylde’s dictatorship is fairly promising, and I can’t wait to see what kind of drama this brings us in the future.