Day 317, 01:05 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

Let me start out by saying I'm sorry. I truly and humbly apologize for making things difficult. Everyone was looking forward to Danny and Carradine battling it out for the party presidency of FBS, a simple head vs. head race for election, and what happens? It turns into Danny Vs. Carradine Vs. Algaroth.

That's right folks! At the last FBS party meeting I announced my intentions to run for party president against Danny and I intend to keep my word. So technically it's carradine's fault, but who's pointing fingers? I am, and I'm taking back my apology.

Now, I'm sure some of you will be confused and say things along the lines of "what's the difference between these candidates?" and to that there's no simple answer. Danny has been in congress since before I started playing erepublik and is the "safe" candidate so to speak. Carradine on the other hand hasn't really made much of a stir on the forums for quite some time and it's been a long time since he was president so he's a bit of a wildcard.

So then where do I fit in? Well, there's no easy way to categorize me. Some of you know me, and for those who don't, read a few of my older articles. I believe there's nothing that can't be solved with a couple of cold beers. See, alcohol brings out a persons true self, which makes me the most honest candidate. Sure, I occasionally slander my political opponents, but not without admitting it. (Gustavius has a mullet, by the way.)

A former Mayor, and a congressman since May, I have insight to how the politics of this game works. True, there will be changes in V1 but I am as prepared as my opponents to deal with those because no one can really predict what will happen, although we do have a general idea. I for one believe there's nothing wrong with the bureaucracy in congress, it's just new and needs some time to get off the ground properly, which will be one of my priorities. If elected president of eSweden I will not be the kind of president who does everything by myself. I will delegate responsibilities to trusted members of the government, making everything more efficient.

Send me your questions (either as a comment here or in a pm) and, in my next article, I will publish a FAQ about me.

Algaroth - Better, Faster, Funnier. Your BFF.