[Utrikesdepartementet] Deal mellan Asgard och Kroatien

Day 1,932, 13:55 Published in Sweden Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Som många av er vet så har det under de senaste dagarna pågått diskussioner mellan Asgard och Kroatien angående att öka samarbetet mellan oss. Samarbetet har tagits emot possitivt i både eSverige och i resten av Asgard.

Dealen, som går att se nedan, går i stort sett ut på ett ökat samarbete inom militären, utbildning och ekonomi. Inom militären så öppnar vi upp för att lättare kunna lägga skada där den behövs som mest. Inom utbildning så kommer vi dela viktig kunskap om hur man bäst tar hand om nybörjare. Inom ekonomi så kommer vi öppna upp för vår befolkning att flytta till ett land med högre bonus.

Har du frågor angående dealen eller något annat ställs bäst i kommentarsfältet nedan.

Declaration of friendship, honor and cooperation between Asgard and Croatia


Due to remarkable cooperation, friendship, and alliance through the past years, the members of Asgard (Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden) and Croatia agree to improve their relationship with this agreement, which opens doors to a bigger level of cooperation on battlefield, maintenance of friendly relationships and support on econimic growth and citizenship-change in the future.

Pact principles

1. The possiblity of cooperation on battlefield operations, defense of core regions against common enemies by possible acts of:
- sharing of battle priorities
- possibly of making joint IRC channels of cooperation
- possibly done by placing friend countries article link to own priority article;
- group PM with all the MoDs;
- group PM with all the mainstream officials in a Cabinet: PM, MoD, MoFA.

2. Possibilities of sharing common informations in education and maintenance of close relationships between all 5 countries by acts of:
- sharing common article informations and cooperation between Ministery of Education teams in joint education programs for new players; which will consist basic informations about allies, their position and history of alliances among them.
- maintenance of close contacts between MoFA teams for news updates

3. Economic, receptive immigration policies and supply-in-need magnanimity between all 5 countries by possibilities of:
- opening and facilitating immigrational polices by sharing data between Imigrational Officies and giving priorities to players from all 5 countries.
- opening borders and accepting players in possible occupied members to member with bigger bonuses; by that helping suppliers of Military Units from all member countries
- joint blacklisting of cheaters and fraudsters, and taking responisbilities for acts of immigrants in other member countries

These 5 countries, Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Croatia, are signing this document willingly to perserve great and old friendly relationships and alliance between each other as well to recall old players and to teach new ones about great deeds we accomplished and acts of commitment in the name of brotherhood in the past.
This document is guidance of foreign politics to next governments of all 5 countries in the future, and also a reminder to all players in all 5 countries that they have allies and friends on their side.

In that commitment we sign this pact:

Representatives of eCanada:
Dozzer_x and Shoi12, MoFAs of eCanada

Representatives of eCroatia:
ElvenCRO croatian MoFA and Borkan croatian CP

Representatives of eFinlan😛
Temskih, President of eFinland & TheJuliusCaesar, MoFA of eFinland

Representatives of eNorway:
Vileskont, CP of eNorway

Representatives of eSweden:
intyala, President of eSweden

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, ElvenCRO

This present declaration shall become valid and shall apply to the aforementioned nations starting on eRepublik day 1932.

intyala - President