[UD] New Swe MoFA, and his story

Day 1,570, 18:30 Published in Sweden Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The ministry if foreign affairs has got a new leader, his name is Jegarmister.
Let me run my story for you

My journey in erepublik has been very funny and very fast, that's how i see it anyway. I was born the 12 of mars 2010, and in about one month i realized that the war end economy module was nothing for me, instead i focused on hidden politics.

I operated in the shadows an took information in like a tree drinks water. I traveled around the world and acted like this invisible Wikipedia. But then in December i got tired of being on 3 meetings everyday. Then translate it into English and gave the info to, e.g the MoD of China.

Yes i was a spy, a very successful one.

But on the first of September 2011, i revived myself, and this time i wanted to play "the game", not working in the shadows. The first person i got in contact with was C.Nilsson. I don't remember how we meet, but i would guess it was then i bought shares from this company.
Then he wanted me to become a member of Marknads partiet, and i became one.

Then after about two months i was comfortable enough to be in the 25 of November congress election, and can you imagine, i won. After this i suddenly became one of the big player in Marknads partiet. I became big enough to know that "something big was about to happen". So i attended a couple of meeting and on the 22 of December 2011, Nationalgardet was created. Today it's the biggest party in Sweden.

The 24 of December i had a little project when i gave away 12 000 Q5 food, as Christmas gifts, to all that commented on an article i had put out on MP's official paper. But sense i wasn't in MP, it became in the name of NG.

Unfortunately i didn't become re-elected on the congress elections of 25 of December, because Finland had invaded the area of which i was electing in.
But it didn't matter, i was already happy with what i had accomplished and i didn't need to have another term.

Instead of the congress i was interesting foreign politics, i thought that my experiences would make be have a different analytically view on things. and i had always been a good diplomat. So i contacted the Minister of foreign affair in January, the current MoFA was W3st3b3rg. It took about six days and then i was offer to be Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I started to work with West and my main task was to keep this newspaper alive. This i did in about 3 months, with both W3st3berg and Snaskefar. During my term with Snaskefar i also became Secretary General of domestic affairs.

In the resent election i got asked both from Intyala and Snaskefar to become MoFA, and Snask can tell you at first i wasn't that happy about it. Why is that you might wonder. Well mainly because i didn't think i could handle it. After all i had only been writing articles together with Westeberg and Snaskefar, and now MoFA?

But what made me change my mind?
Well i have only one word to explain that:

Sweden needed me to become MoFA, to restore trust to our diplomacy, to regain respect to our nation.

This is what i promise you; that i will dedicate my heart for this noble office and the responsibility it brings.

Your humble servant,