:: smeekileaks :: How to destroy a country for dummies

Day 2,654, 11:52 Published in USA Thailand by deleted smee
Goodevening e-Criminals,

So you want to be a dictator? Sounds like fun but what fun would that be if you couldn't actually destroy the country? As you know a dictator can pass almost any law he wants, so once you become a dictator you can truly have fun.

Being a dictator is very simple now, let's say you have a MU with 40 or 50 soldiers and you have the funds to start a civil war and enough CC to cover any CO's needed - the following are the 10 simple steps you should follow.

Step 1 - Choose a country

Choose your target country - I suggest a small country, there are about 50 of them. Personally there's no point in choosing countries with no players like the Philippines, I would select something with at least a few hundred players.

Step 2 - Gaining a MU in the country

Now, to start a civil war you do NOT need to have CS. You only need to have a MU. There are several ways to get one, for instance, you can buy one off a current player in that country. Of course there are other ways too --- we all know what I mean and we all know it happens regularly.

Step 3 - Research it

Spend an hour or so looking at all the MU's, finding out if there is money in the ORGS that they can use for CO's, etc.

At this point make sure you find out who the tanks are and who the government members are with access to funds for CO. The better you research the easier the civil war will be.

Step 4 - Plan for it

Plan for the civil war. Now that you know who the tanks are, who the MU commanders are with access to government funds for CO, check their profiles. Once they go to sleep spend 200,000 CC and support the civil war.

Find out which of your soldiers can be online at very late/very early hours to fight for you when nobody else is online and inform them of the upcoming civil war.

Step 5 - Start the civil war

The civil war has started, it will begin in 3 hours. Remember allies can't fight in it, and if its a smaller country it's likely that nobody will be online that will be in a position to defend it. So, if you have 40-50 soldiers, hopefully a few will be in a position to come online some time during the night and tank for you to win a couple very easy rounds.

Step 6 - Win the easy points

Okay, the civil war battle has now started, you estimated you have a good 4 or 5 hours before players start waking up and seeing what happens. Try to win as many rounds as you can before that time, hopefully you can go 11-0 11-0 11-0 to become 33-0 before any actual resistance.

Step 7 - Make them epic

Currently battles become epic in D4 at approximately 2.5 billion, so set a 20cc CO in D4. Put 50,000cc and "fight to 100%". You will win 10 easy points for 50,000cc instead of 5 points. Leave your MU open so people can join and fight for you and collect the 20cc/million.

The point is to win as many points as possible before people start waking up and defending.

Step 8 - Close the war

Now, people start waking up and defending the civil war. Hopefully you have enough soldiers to win the next round. If the battle is advanced far enough (i.e. 44-0 or 55-0 etc) you should easily be able to finish off the civil war with CO if needed, especially if it's a small country with limited damage since all your soldiers will be aware of the ongoing war.

Step 9 - The day after

If you want give all your soldiers CS, but this is not necessary.

- What you should do is immediately raise the work tax to 25%.

- Donate all the country account money to your MU ORG (if you have one) or a national ORG. Remember since you are Dictator now the ORGS belong to you. Also, if you have an MU Org remember this is untouchable by any president or any dictator and much safer and more secure then any national orgs.

- Have all your soldiers in your MU work for you for 1000cc salary. From their 1000cc salary they will lose 25% to work tax, but that money is going into the country accounts and you control the country accounts. Also, your soldiers will donate back the rest to you.

What this will do is raise the average salary and since work tax is based on this you will absolutely destroy players accounts. If work tax is 200cc nobody can work as manager.

Step 10 - Mojito time

Airstrike Hungary. Repeatedly. Also, sit back and enjoy. You are the Kim Il Jung of eRepublik.

Until next time,
The Dictator of Hungary.
Smee Il Jung.