[Pfeiffer] USWP - The All-Father awakens

Day 2,544, 08:54 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.
An article brought to you by the All-Father.

The All-Father returns.

I have been in the Odinsleep for some time now, and it is time to awaken.

Many of my sons, and occasionally my daughters, have sat upon Hliðskjálf during my slumber, but I have renewed my connection to the Odin-Force and have returned to reclaim my seat. It's time for the USWP to get back to the work of defending the Nine Realms.

There is much to be done, and preparations are already under way. A number of you shall be called upon to serve, and I look forward to seeing the fruit of our collective labor.

I will release further plans in the coming days, but all those who are interested in earning their place in Valhalla need to stand and be counted.

My next missive will come at the opening of the party primary.

I have sacrificed much to achieve peace. So too must a new generation sacrifice to maintain that peace. Responsibility! Duty! Honour! These are not mere virtues to which we must aspire! They are essential to every soldier, to every king!

