[MoD] Orders - Day 957 - Defend Far Eastern Russia

Day 955, 03:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence
Remember to vote this article and subscribe to make sure you have up-to-date orders.

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Fighting increases rank and experience.

http://i50.tinypic.com/rm6xwy.jpg" />http://i46.tinypic.com/bi05g7.jpg" />

Move to London!
All UK citizens should be moving to London; which contains the countrys only Q5 hospital. If you require a moving ticket to move to London, contact the Ministry of Home Affairs. Read this article for further information.

Join the military!

http://i50.tinypic.com/200adlg.jpg" />http://i50.tinypic.com/2empegg.jpg" />

Donate to our soldiers.
As well as more soliders, we need more supplies for our soliders. Please donate any gold, currency or guns you can to this organisation. Everything you donate will be used to support the war efforts of the UK and our allies, be it 10g or 1GBP or any random foreign currency that you don't use, it all helps.
Thank you for all donations received so far.

Chief of the General Staff