[MoCHE] Empress Day (It's Never Too Late Edition) - December 2015 (Results)

Day 2,967, 08:03 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura

The Ministry of Culture, History and Education is proud to be sponsoring Empress Day! Empress Day, for those who don't know, is eJapan's (and one of the eWorld's) longest running traditions. Our first and eternal Emperor of eJapan, Kokawayoshi Makoto, would take a girl from Japanese animated media and crown them the honorary Empress of eJapan. Even though our Emperor is no longer with us, this proud tradition of our people continues to today.

Now for the Empress Day Winner! I am happy to say that this has been our most competitive Empress Day in over half a year, with over 10 votes being cast in the voting period. And with a narrow 6-4 win, our new Empress is...




Yao Ha Ducy from Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri[/b]!

Our runner up and royal ambassador for the month is Bishamon from the series Noragami.

Everyone, thank you for your participation and you willingness to help keep eJapanese traditions alive! In order to get Empress Day back in the middle of the month, the next round of nominations will occur around the 20th, so be ready then! In the meantime, I'll see everyone around, and be sure to stay tuned for more news from the Ministry of Culture, History, and Education!