[MoC] Farewell!

Day 2,297, 08:42 Published in Germany Germany by Erste Hilfe

It’s the end of my term, I hope you’ve all enjoyed it! I’d let the MoC go over to the new MoC now, take care everybody!

If you were ever in doubt, it was me, Matthias Lund that had the honour to serve as your MoC for this month. Best of luck to the new MoC, take good care of him / her!

I think the winners of our contests deserve a repost, so here they are:

I don’t think there was a clear winner for the poker night, otherwise it’s just my memory. Tt was good fun, I hope we’ll see that again sometime.
The winner of the Flappy Bird Contest was Pleiade who scored 47 points! Hopefully he will get a life and stop playing that awful game so much, haha!
The best song was sent in by Pwnorazor and the song was the glorious Tenacious D – Tribute.
The winner of the little drawing / picture contest was won by Herbert Mustermann.
The funniest guy in all of Germark was xPA9x, what a hilarious guy!