[Kakva bre] PODELA 1 000 000 Q6 tenkova

Day 1,620, 23:48 Published in Serbia Serbia by Vlada99

Поздрав свима,

Чланак објављен пре 24ч није имао намену да направи још једну поделу оружја или хлеба. Тога имамо преко главе. Ко је прочитао текст чланка, а не само наслов могао је да види да је у питању спрдња, а не подела. Инспирација за чланак у којем ја очекујем да ви мени поделите пуце је проистекла из узвика који је пре неки дан имао Омармали, а тад је у топ 5 у еСрбији било 5 чланака са поделом.
Нисам ни слутио колико је лако скупити гласове и претплате на овај начин. Из жеље да направим шалу схватио сам зашто су се многи новинари сморили и не желе више да пишу или то чине много мање него раније. Па, неки од њих су ми и помагали око овога и само су видели колико једна глупост (јер то ово и јесте) лакше привуче пажњу него њихов труд и рад да се привуче пажња са нечим интересантнијим од пуке поделе оружја.

Поенте нема, као што је нема у много чему овде данас. Хвала на гласовима и претплатама, нисам их тражио, али то не умањује моју захвалност. Пуце ћу да вратим ономе ко жели да му вратим. Ко не жели проследићу их Министарству Унутрашњих послова, па ће они да их проследе коме и када буде потребно.

'ај уздравље,

Влада99, пријатељима познат као Зе.

fensi divajder između EDIT 2 i prvobitnog teksta

Podelite mi milion tenkova! 'Leba ne treba.

EDIT 1: Još samo 999787:

iKoren has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
coolinbun has transferred 2 Weapons to your storage.
New-and-Now has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Cwelle_Deluxe has transferred 13 Weapons to your storage.
TheKralj has transferred 33 Weapons to your storage.
Kibla has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Angua has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Ce Guevara has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
bojler989 has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
thorgoth has transferred 2 Weapons to your storage.
LecllearSerb has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
TmHwK20 has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
JovicaFromMajur has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Emparor Leonida has transferred 11 Weapons to your storage.
VladoCar has transferred 13 Weapons to your storage.
komir95 has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Djilkosh has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
nenad_l has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
PunishaSRB has transferred 4 Weapons to your storage.
AabyeBL has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
G1 Sparkabot has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Alex.L has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
jasjaswasbanned has transferred 2 Weapons to your storage.
Vojvoda Prijezda has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
mali div has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
Mire tica Feniks has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
OmarLittle has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
ikacar has transferred 2 Weapons to your storage.
Anominan has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
Pegica has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Dragan Savic has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Splindza has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
zoran69 has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
coorajber has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
Stefan93 has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
gidra has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
marko1996 has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
TheKralj has transferred another 10 Weapons to your storage.
the_trooper_rs has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
zigaz-aga has transferred 8 Weapons to your storage.
Vojvoda Zivojin has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Psihihihi has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
Zeps has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
Sljivo has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Igor Elez has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Ludi Neba has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
Man-from-darkness has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
srle86 has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
Sever HN has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
Kuekuatsu has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Sever HN has transferred another 5 Weapons to your storage.
E K V has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.