[IFP] Ronisu for Country President - Collaboration

Day 3,088, 01:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronisu

Greetings. Today I outline my candidacy for the CP of eIreland. I am running on the IFP Party Platform which is as follows:

Democracy, Transparency and Collaboration

Democracy - The government should recognize and listen to Congress as they are the greatest cross-section of the community available using game mechanics. Congress should have the ability to review, scrutinize and pass budgetary measures, however we must urge expedient government. Many in eIreland have expressed a distaste for the slow pace of Congress and they are right, Congress was often too slow to effectively govern. The IFP has a series of proposals on how to speed up the pace of Congressional deliberations while still protecting the idea of representation.

Please review this article for more details

Transparency - The Government should involve the populace in it's thinking and effectively communicate national direction and goals. As plans change, the nation must be updated. There will be no unmentioned tax changes and Summits should be used as a tool and not the rule for communication.

Collaboration - We should encourage cross-party collaboration through the formation of institutions that ensure greater representation, whether that is through Constitutional Reform or other mechanisms.

In addition to the Party Platform, I really want to focus on a Collaboration Government where all voices get a seat at the table. Collaboration in this sense does not mean we all agree all the time, but it does mean partnerships and working towards a consensus. We are a community of retired old-fogeys and of newbies; of politicos and of military gamers; of industrialists and of two-clickers and each of those perspectives is valid and important. We should also focus on getting people where their strengths are, with our military minds and industrialists leading the charge on the Resource War effort, but without alienating the other portions of our Community. We should be One eIreland

The current Government has had strengths and weaknesses, which through honest analysis we can maximize those strengths while minimizing the weaknesses. The military reforms of the Government have been extremely effective, and the Strikes have been great at improving morale and national confidence. Simultaneously, they have resorted to regular attacks on people and communities that disagree marginally. This is not a way to operate in a small community where every person counts and we should work to cultivate stronger involvement of even those that disagree with us. We will continue the military and supply reforms, but instead work to involve the entire community rather than shut people out.

Our Pledge:

Cabinet positions will be offered to people from the entire spectrum of our society, even and particularly members who disagree with some of my policies. We will succeed most if we work to succeed together.

Congress will be acknowledged and used as a deliberative body. We will begin working on a newer, more efficient and more flexible Constitution. This document will be presented for Referendum at least once during the term.

We will infuse the Treasury with funds and continue to work to get additional revenue. I have personal experience as a fundraiser and will bring that to bear. We will ensure that through fundraising and recovery campaigns that 1 million IEP enters the treasury.

We will continue the work of revitalizing the Community and Education programs. A move towards crowd-sourcing some programs and work with Military Units and Political Parties to implement new types of competitions that promote both spheres could be very effective. Additionally, I would like to continue with some of the off-the-wall contests such as a Haiku Contest.

We will expect each ministry will be expected to write an article every week at the least. The current Government had increasing activity from the Ministries over the term, but there were periods where the populace was in the dark. We will work to illuminate from Day 1.

We will continue the work of integrating with Adriatica and improving our involvement in their operations. The MC position will be offered to a capable member of our community. Additionally, a MoD Team of multiple people with a clear MoD Lead will be formed to maximize our Resource Wars performance.

Just as I work to hold the ministries responsible, I trust The People will hold me responsible for these pledges and other events of the term. I will make two personal pledges:

If you choose to elect me, I promise to put my all in the job to work for the success of eIreland. I will work with anyone I can to bring that about.

If you I am not elected, I will continue to voice my opinion but also to continue to seek out opportunities to work with the Government for the betterment of eIreland. You won't see wild accusations of impropriety or mudslinging from me.
My campaign is not "Collaborate, if I Win."

I wish my opponent good luck, though I do hope you will consider voting for me on Election Day. A vote for me is a vote for Collaboration!

CP Candidate
Irish Freedom Party