[FBS] Liftoff!

Day 463, 21:33 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

3. 2. 1. Foamrocket eruption on EVERYONE! This magazine rules.

Followers of FBS, vote for whatever FBS candidate in your region has the least votes. Especially if you're a hippie liberal because FBS liberating denmark is way more likely than FRONT doing it. Speaking of references to crotches, I'm not going to punch you in in it. I'm too drunk to care about them in general. I love the weekend.

My point is, Make your votes count. Vote for whichever candidate has the lowerst amount of voters. If you've already voted, tell your friends and stuff. If you don't have friends, join the FBS forums on erepublik.se. It's just bustling with friends. If you have a sister, just have her PM me.