[CP]Stop Supporting RW-Update 4

Day 2,094, 01:52 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

The TW with Slovenia will be over in the next days,by now Stop supporting any Ressistance war against Slovenia,no one of that regions will be liberated,you will just lose your money.Please stop supporting them.

We will secure the congress with other regions,this article will be updated so please be sure to read it from time to time to know the new news.
Thanks,a new article will be published when the liberation of the other regions will start.

Update 1
Vote Yes.It will give us more possibilities for the future.Please vote yes.

Update 2
Next RW in Styria,feel free to support it if you decide so 🙁

Update 3
Please If you already have a PP,go to the Party of the Horny Princess and vote for lazo.Thanks,don't let the PTOers win.

Due to the shield,Slovenia will take possesion of all our lands and an article will be published when the total liberation will start.By now,there will be no more orders to support any RW.Sorry for the Styria order but the shield wasn't present in the options.Thanks and that's all by now.

Austrian Government
President of Austria