[CP] Quick Update!

Day 2,733, 14:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite eItaliana

Citizens of the Republic,

this is a short update of the first week of Term!

Main Topics:
1. WarGames - Tri-Leaf Agreement
2. Cabinet Activity
3. New Immigration Policies

WarGames - Tri-Leaf Agreement

Contrary to the last TW, it has been successful and funny so far!
We've saw some Epic Battles too, and I'm happy to see all the citizens fighting and have finally a Campaign where to achieve True Patriot Medals
Now, seeing that we're fully occupied, we'll start some sure RWs to let the Citizens achieve Hero Resistance Medals and Freedom Fighter Medals too!

Cabinet Activity - Increase!

I'm really glad and proud of it.
My Cabinet is giving the best, publishing a tonne of articles so far, especially from Ministry of Community and Ministry of Defence!
They let the Irish Citizens have fun and be always informed about where to fight as well as possible!

We'll continue on this way, trying to increase more than now our activity!

New Immigration Policies

I'm personally working on it.
I'm finishing off the last details and cannot say anything right now, but I found opportune to let you be informed about it anyway!

It's like the 100th time that I say it, but I'll repeat again: without an adequate System of Laws for the Immigration, we're always under risk of MTO and for a small country like us, is a big problem!

These are the things happened since the beginning of the Term.
I'll keep you informed every time it's opportune.

Thanks for your time,

An Taoiseach
Inept Punisher