[CP] Days 4963-4970

Day 4,970, 04:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Fenoglioteam

Greetings Ireland,

Three quarters of my term finished. It's been a calm week, but this isn´t a reason to skip the weekly report. I hope you enjoy it

Summer Challenge

New weekly banner means a new event: Summer challenge! It may be a good opportunity to rank up faster than usual, so check Rabbit´s article to see which special prizes are giving this week. But don´t forget that day 5.000 is coming and it may be better to save resources for that, so don't go too crazy!

Ministry of Defense and Training Wars

No changes in standing orders since last week, so first of all, our favourite copy & paste. I guess at this point most of you know how our tws work, but it's always nice to have a place to check. Don´t forget you can see the last update in our country feed.

Finland : We Win Dublin and lose Louth

Republic of China: We win Mayo and lose Northern Ireland

France: We win Dublin and lose Wales

Argentina: We win Wexford and lose Cork

Turkey: We win Shannon and lose Newfoundland and Labrador.

So, we should always hold the regions we control in the following picture.

Moreover, do you need extra help to rank in the air? Don't forget to sign up for the Irish air program, extraordinarily organized by Aimesan. Click here to sign up or check how much you have won the last weeks.

Foreign Affairs

As I indicated at the beginning of the article, it has been a very quiet week compared to the previous one.

As announced during the previous weekly recap, the treaty with the United Kingdom and CODE has ceased to be in force, but its end has not been accompanied by any offensive action on the part of our neighbors. Consequently, we will continue with the current policy and in the event that a pre-agreement is reached in relation to our region, it will be communicated immediately to the Dáil Éireann.

Likewise, I also want to take this opportunity to thank our neighbors and friends, especially Turkey and Indonesia, for their help in controlling the tws.


When it comes to money, usually no news is the best new. As you can see in the picture above, we keep filling our coffers for the future, slowly but without stop. Since the government took care itself of supply program, no special expenses were needed.

This week in eR + Press

The most outstanding event of the week not only on our island but around the world has been the Congressional elections. Here are the results in Ireland :

Therefore, I will proceed with the renewal of the information massmp as soon as this article is published.

When it comes to press, the most debated topic in Ireland has been the possible introduction of perception in the air module and possible new medals that make life easier for pilots. Do you think it is time for them to introduce outside air? How would you avoid breaking even more the balance between new and old players? Give your opinion on the two articles about it written by Releasethe Krakken, which makes him worthy of the journalist of the week award. Congratulations and I hope that next week this competition will be tighter!

Community corner

All of last week's contests were quickly resolved, although I was extremely surprised that Aimesan's was the last to be discovered. Isn't a 12-line poem striking enough? : P

For this one, let's play one of my favorite contests: guess the movie with the frame. I have chosen scenes, hopefully simple enough, from several movies and you just have to guess which movie they are from. Clue: all pictures are from the trailer. 500 cc for the first winner of each one. Good luck!





Food for the Irish

Given the difficulties in producing food and the support to food programs by our Congress, here we are for the second week with some supplies.

Like the past time, every Irishman who comments, regardless of his level, will receive 5,000 units of energy, which are privately funded.

I´m searching for volunteers to make this program more stable and less dependable on governments will/time, so this is a perfect moment to step forward and help Ireland. And don´t worry, you´ll be provided with anything you need, it's not about getting your money 😃

Music for today

Green Lung - Woodland Rites. A good friend recommended it a couple of days ago and I loved it, so here you have too. If you enjoy Black Sabbath, you´ll like this too.

That's all for today so thanks for your time. If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to post it here, send me a message ingame or ping me on telegram

Have a nice day!