
Day 2,053, 14:11 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by CoT HQ

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen !


These have been hard times for Circle of Trust, it is clear by all means.

The difference of damage between TWO and CoT has had its effect in most of the countries that make our alliance. Times ahead look grim in the eyes of many, indeed, but let me say it clearly and up front: CoT is Here, Standing up and Resisting in this World War, arm in arm with you!

This month, we celebrate the first anniversary of Circle of Trust, and I think that the best way to celebrate it is fighting together, arm in arm for our unity, our friendship and with coordination.

CoT grew quickly from its beginnings in quantity of members for one main reason: its horizontal nature, it means that the countries that make the alliance have equal voice within it, we have no second class or merely "associated" members, and that is because we trust each other's efforts into building something good for all of us.

During this year of formal existence, the members of Circle of Trust have indeed grown in activity, gained freedom against powerful oppressors, expanded borders, come out victorious from battles that seemed doomed... Yes, we have had a knack for ruthless comebacks making those final points shine in victory and in our Resistance War coordinations.

"Stories of the past! Wake up and see the Map!"
I can hear the trolls and voices of angst yelling already…

Yes, the map shows a rather heavy scenery, a really interesting one at that too: it presents a challenge for us to transform and adapt in order to raise from this massive attack from those who were our friends in the past, now so cuddled up with those who we fight against. They choose to be our enemy instead of being our friend. Maybe it is difficult, but we can’t stop our movement and just thinking about past relationships. We have to wake up and conquer the new challenge. They have chosen this journey, so we adapt and continue the path for our sake.

We are a serious alliance, with friendship bonds made in combat, in parties, and in the hard times. CoT, since its birth, was low on damage, and nonetheless we accepted the fight and turned them into challenges with which we consolidated our purpose, our brotherhood and our tactics. The fact that we are inferior in damage once again should not demoralize us, on the contrary, it should motivate us to be smart, firm and united in strategy and battle. That’s the reason why we are asking all of you to be active and cooperative as much as you can. Only united we can go forward!

An alliance is made by countries, countries are made of citizens, citizens are here to have a good life in their country, and therefore in their alliance and with their friends… yes, it is circular and that’s why in this challenging time, the citizens of all our members who want to put their own extra push into our collective efforts, should do it!
Talk to your country government, talk to your Military Unit peers, talk to your country's Minster of Defense! See what is the best way for you to contribute your effort and will into our collective.
Our alliance is not only a bunch of guys drinking coffee in a secret channel and making decisions. This alliance stands for unity, thanks to every CoT soldier. Just lets wake up and repeat the operation Gangnam style. Remember it?

Ok let’s land upon the news of the week.

1. First of all, we are proud to announce that eGermany has officially joined Circle of Trust, Congratulations and welcome in our Circle eGemany !

2. We have been regaining ,via RW, several of our territories these past days. Lets continue doing it !

3. We should note the approaching that eBrasil and eCroatia have presented towards CoT as a whole, but also towards several of our country members. Brasil has been fighting hand in hand with eChile, ePeru and eParaguay against the Argentinians and Colombians fueled by TWO, hence, in several occasions CoT has had Brasil's battles in its priorities. The Croatian people, as another example, recently collected money to help eMexico pay their mpp, since they are erased at the moment and have a low country income.

4. Help from CoT members against PTO attempts in places like eSwitzerland, eBelgium and the eUSA has continued, and we hope to consolidate these efforts in more practical and organized ways in the near future.

5. Two weeks ago Russia negotiated with South Africa about an Airstrike to save the congress. They were helping their ally and in the same time they were trying to hold their regions in the RWs started by TWO. Though the lost battles in Russia against Ukraine and drains in South Africa, Russia is keeping it work as much as they can. With coordination and good leadership from the CP and help from CoT and the friends, some regions now has returned to the bosom of Russia and is striking back Ukraine.

6. Chile proposed a NE against Colombia days ago and now they have a two front battle.
Chile now gained two wins against Colombia and is struggling right now against Argentina to kick them from their territory Norte Grande and Norte Chico.

7. We have new HQ Team \o/
MC : Squibeel
SC : PyroSG from Mexico and Aliss Wonder from Macedonia
Bank Governor : chukcha

Congrats to them, we hope they will lead us through the right way.

All Member Countries:
South Korea

Lets show to the others how unbreakable is our brotherhood !!!
In CoT we trust!