[Congress] The REvoLution is Still Needed!

Day 3,991, 07:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Not much has yet been published on the coming Congress Elections. However, next month will prove to be determinant in the future of the eNetherlands. Recently we've witnessed a promising turn-around in the Government, Congress and Society. Our population has been increasing, progressive proposals are up for discussion and the citizens of the eNetherlands finally get back in the form of fun and programs. Without patting ourselves on the back, Revolution et Libertas believes that together with allies from other parties we have taken a role in this and would like your vote to continue on this path.

Because despite all the optimism, this new-found balance is still fragile. A ground-breaking reform will be pushed next month which will not only simplify overbloated Laws to a large degree, but will also ensure that the current progressive changes are set in stone. In the end, no one wants to return to just a few months ago, where Governments spent next to nothing and provided next to nothing. We don't want a rentier state any more that exclusively serves as a ladder to the alternative realities of Forum, Telegram or Discord.

Currently we're embarking on a new path of progress - with the successful election of our fellow member MDSanderon as Country President as a start, around a month ago. Our party has recently doubled in its numbers and aims to retake its deserved spot in the political arena. Revolution and Libertas supports and contributes to the increased activity in the media, the attempts to adjust the law into a more simple and fair system and maximizing the potential of our population by new subsidies and programs.
We present to you the following candidates fighting for the Revolution:

Elitist in disguise - NoTie112 strives to bring the revolution from within, carefully taking steps in the constraints of the system towards a better future

#FreeBoKito - ElGorro has been the most prolific fighter for change in the eNetherlands recently, and serves as the self-proclaimed consciousness of ReL.

Recently returned to the eNetherlands - europecrisseswar promises to bring his economic expertise and big stack of Q7 Tanks to Congress.

Revolutionary of the first hour - Naffer does not only hand out the biggest salaries to the eDutch people, but will strive towards the betterment of the population in Congress as well.

Self-described veteran eRepublikan - rickyrb seeks to return to Congress for yet another month and bring back some old-fashioned common sense.

While not politically vocal, 911mic is a true asset to the eNetherlands. With his awesome credentials on the battlefield he's sure to bring some much-needed fighter knowledge into the political arena.

One of the founding fathers of ReL, Gen. De La Rey strives to keep the eNetherlands on the righteous path after serving as its Country President. A worthy seal of the list, indeed!
Feelin' interested by this cause? Revolution & Libertas is open for membership! Besides offering you a political say in the eNetherlands, our friendly members will support you in whatever other endeavour you wish to take in the eNetherlands! We're especially seeking players who want to join Congress! Join us here!