[C4] Merry Christmas Cockers!

Day 2,225, 14:12 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

Cockers, let me be one of the first to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Above all else, C4 is a family and this Christmas we decided to try to hold the biggest giveaway in our history in celebration of the holidays. With the generosity of some very special C4 Santas, we have achieved that goal and will be giving away thousands of units of food, weapons and other items. The giveaway itself will be in the form of "Lots". Lots can consist of any donatable item in the game. For example, if I had 1000 q2 food I wanted to give away, I could offer it as one lot of food, or divide it into 4 lots of food of 250 per lot. It is entirely up to the giver what they are able to give as a gift, and how they would like to divide it into lots. To receive a lot from one of our C4 Santas, just post in the feed "I would like one lot of food from Haselrig/Neron/etc" and you will be sent your lot. Kindof like Christmas, you will only have a rough idea of what you are getting, so choose wisely 😉 One lot per customer please.

Our C4 Santas:

Malovent: 4 lots of food

Dalan Di Celes: 3 lots of food; 2 lots of moving tickets

CaseyJ: 4 lots of weapons

AtomicGerbal: 4 lots of food

Cicero Alvez: 4 lots of weapons; 1 lot of moving tickets

Xavier3: 4 mixed (weapons & food) lots

RegencyEra: 10 lots of food

Haselrig: 10 lots of food

ax3lax: 10 lots of weapons

Neron: 8 lots of weapons; 2 lots of moving tickets

❆ I wish all of you the very best this holiday season. I would like to personally thank all of you for making this MU a truly unique community unlike any other. I’ll leave you with a solemn piece of advice about any of the weapons you may have received for Christmas; You’ll shoot your eye out 😛

Merry Christmas everybody o/

✍ Haselrig
Commanding Officer, C4