[BB4CP] On eUSA’s community and new players

Day 2,782, 18:32 Published in USA USA by PurpleEggman
[BB4CP] On eUSA’s community and new players

Greetings and welcome to my first eRepublik article!

Let me set the mood with a little music.

As some of you know, my name is PurpleEggman and I am a relatively new player. Since I started eRepublik at the tail end of May, I have spent countless hours in-game and on IRC getting to know you all and I must say, you guys are some pretty cool cats. One cool cat—err, bunny—that I’ve had the pleasure to meet and chat with is a front-runner in July’s upcoming CP election and has agreed to participate in a short interview for us today! Thank you and welcome, BeachBunny!

PurpleEggman: Hello, BeachBunny! Today, I want to cover two important topics: eUSA’s community and new players. To start out, why don’t you give us your opinion on the type of role community plays in games like eRepublik?

BeachBunny: Well, in a game like eRepublik, community is pretty much everything. Without the community, all we have is a bunch of guys and gals who hit a red button and vote from time to time; that is, if they even stick around long enough to do such things. Community is what helps new players stay, as well as the old players. It is one of the aspects that I would have to say brings the most fun to this game. Without it, I believe there's point.

PE: How would you describe the current state of eUSA’s community?

BB: I would say it has its ups and downs for sure. It only appears to be active during times of elections, but it’s those in-between times that concern me. It seems almost to go into hibernation, but then pops right back up when it's time for an election. There also is a divide, a divide that needs to be bridged. Now, whether it can be done is the question of the day.

PE: What kind of divide are we talking about, and can you share any plans on how you will try to bridge it?

BB: A divide between the so-called "Elite" and the so-called "Tin Foil Hat Brigade." Now, those are not my names—just the ones sometimes used. The The "Elite," of course, are the ones in power of the government and blah blah blah. The "Tin Foil Hat Brigade" feel they are being oppressed and held down by the "Elite." Now, should the ones in power step down? No, they have worked hard and are there for a reason. They actually do positive things for this country. The problem is when you disagree with them, you are no longer useful to them. How to bridge that gap is the golden question. I believe a common goal/goals is the golden ticket!

PE: Hopefully, we will begin to see a more homogeneous sense of community under your administration! What benefits do you predict will come if this gap is bridged and our community becomes more unified?

BB: With a unified community, we could become even stronger. A more unified community would be a more welcoming sight to a new player. What new player wants to join a game and country and encounter a bunch of fighting? This game as it is isn't the most welcoming. It has a mission system that truthfully goes against what we as a community would like a new player to do. So we as a community have to do our best and work hard to keep these new players around to stick to the game. Without them, this game will become stagnant and eventually die. We have a unique game where the game itself isn't what holds players. It’s the players themselves that make this game worth playing. Only we can do it, not Plato.

PE: Wonderful! It’s great to know that you are keeping new players in mind. Last question—what advice would you give today’s new player?

BB: Save your gold! Save your gold! Save your gold! Did I mention save your gold? You want to save your gold for the upgrading of your Training Center. Strength is the only true stat in this game that matters other than level, and that's minimal. It is what makes you hit harder and harder. So save your gold and fight as little as possible. Also please take advantage of the programs out there to assist you. Department of the Interior as well as the Department of Education are two of the most helpful departments this game has. Take advantage of everything they have to offer. There are so many programs out there! Those two departments will help you find them. Save your gold!

PE: Great advice. Thanks again for participating in this interview, BeachBunny! I know we are all very excited to see how July's CP elections turn out. You’ve got my vote!

BB: The pleasure was all mine, PurpleEggman! Thank you for your support as well as this opportunity.

Personally, I feel that there is a large issue in the way our community functions. Rather than one large, supportive community, I feel that it is instead a network of smaller cliques; some helpful and others not so much. As you can see by BeachBunny’s responses, she truly cares for eUSA’s community and is actively searching for a solution that will bring us closer together and foster greater growth for all players, new and old. I wholeheartedly believe that she can and will make "Giant Steps" toward that goal. If that’s not a reason to vote BeachBunny on July 5th, I don’t know what is.

Thank you for reading! Please show your support through comments, votes, endorsements, and subscriptions!
