[ASM] Congress tax

Day 2,035, 09:51 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

First of all,I want to thank the people who trust in me to be the PP of the ASM,and now it's time to fulfill what I promise.

I promised to make referendums to let the people take decisions which are properly of the people,so I will start with the referendums.This one is about the congress members tax,as you all know,the congress members receive 5 golds for being in the congress,this first referendum consist in the taxation of the congress place,for example if you enter in congress for the ASM,you should give a dterminate quantity of money as a tax.To decide if you want this,I have made a referendum when you can decide if you want this tax,how many gold do you want this tax to be given to the ASM,where does that money should go etc.

Here you can find the referendum,the password is in the ASM feed.I encourage everybody to participate,it's your decision,your voice will count.

Also in some days I will release the ASM political ideology and some other things.To finish I want to welcome all the new members of the party and thank them for chosing us,feel free to ask me or talk in the feed.An active party is a party which defends all the opinions,so don't be afraid and share your opinions in our feed

Deadline to vote😒aturday 22nd of June
Thanks for reading