[ASM-ACP] Congress Election Results

Day 2,045, 07:17 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

Again this month we took the decision to present a coalition for the elections,this proposal have a great acceptation in our community.Our coalition,which involved the ASM and the ACP,get the 16.46% of all the votes,almost one point more than in the past elections,for this reason we want to thank the people who vote for this alliance and who trust in our programme to continue with the job that we have done.7 people have entered in the eAustrian house of representatives,4 of them of the ASM and 3 from the ACP,this situation is a casualty and was determined by a specific order,the people who will represent us in the congress are:






6.Kurt Tucholsky


Congratulations for all of them,also I want to thank the effort of Prince of Austria for his work,without him we wouldn't be in the congress and whose commitment with our friendship is exemplary.To finish I want to remind the ASM the congress tax,in some days we will start with the distribution of the total income and an article about it will be published,please donate the 2 golds to me.

Long live the union of the Austrian Socialist Movement and the Austrian Communist party.

Thanks for reading