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Favorite Youtubers?

1 Dan 4,356, 21:01 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Nowadays there are soo many Youtubers its hard to keep track of the good/great/best ones. Im interested in finding new content.
I really enjoy astronomy, war, history, guns, engineering and current world geopolitical events. I dislike stupid stuff

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Why do you humans...

9 Dan 3,915, 20:10 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

A long time ago, while drinking blood wine with a fellow Klingon, he told me of a tale his father told him. He said you humans actually care about animals more than your own species. He mentioned how you humans stole one of our birds of prey, just

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[FWGN] Story of KlingonLands

4 Dan 3,235, 21:46 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Captians log, Stardate: 416 . 519 . 905

We have followed the star-ship Enterprise to sector 001, where Picard is attempting to stop a Borg incursion upon their home-world. We have remained cloaked and they were unaware of our presence when the

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мисија часопис journalist mission 2

4 Dan 3,235, 20:28 Objavljeno u Serbia Serbia Prvi koraci u eRepubliku Prvi koraci u eRepubliku

Hail from Canada
живела империју
25 коментара Go!!

савезници форевер

треба коментирате --->


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25 Questions

18 Dan 3,139, 23:44 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

1. Without donating, how much STR per division is respectable?

2. Without donating, when can a man expect to "out damage" others and get medals?

3. Why didn't my 7m damage count towards my patriot medal while defending against the

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