Ambijent uključi/isključi

12th Anniversary Air/Tank Skins

28 Dan 4,381, 09:25 Objavljeno u India India Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Anniversary Challenge

With every EB reward you get extra pumpkins/treats.

[img][/img] … čitaj više »

🚽 Weekly Challenge Simulator 🚽

30 Dan 4,049, 11:55 Objavljeno u India India Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

Recently I saw an article with a graph showing the relation between energy bars spent in epic battles on Tuesday and their net gain/loss after the Weekly Challenge is over. Since everyone's situation is different, that graph may not be very

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11th Anniversary Rewards + Air/Tank Skins

95 Dan 4,017, 11:03 Objavljeno u India India Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabavačitaj više »

Cities or how to steal ~100 million cc from players

39 Dan 3,922, 07:57 Objavljeno u India India Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

The cities module was added almost 500 days ago. In the update, we were told the local elections module would be added as the next step in the following weeks. Obviously … čitaj više »

10th Anniversary Rewards 10/10 + Air/Tank Skins

111 Dan 3,653, 15:03 Objavljeno u Poland Poland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

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