Ambijent uključi/isključi

Greu cand esti mic

15 Dan 2,466, 02:28 Objavljeno u Romania Romania Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Am inceput jocul in ajunul Craciunului din 2009.Am stat vreo 2 ani de zile mai mult atras de luptele contra Ungariei. M-am lasat si am mai intrat odata pe an sa nu-mi fie dezactivat contul.

Acum parca se lipeste din nou de mine...dar este complet

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Romania Eternal Sleep !

1 Dan 918, 03:57 Objavljeno u Spain Spain

I have been playing this game for 5 months now and all i hear is what powerfull was eRomania once.....these are hard times but i think the romanian nation has fallen asleep ..... how come almost all the EDEN countries hold a high iron region but us?

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Make Erepublik a clean place !

3 Dan 867, 12:16 Objavljeno u Spain Spain

Recently Erepbulik was invaded by fake citizens adds with fake information of selling items ! they players that do these sort of things get away by using multiple organizations and accounts where they split our money between those accounts čitaj više »