Ya que se habla de cambios en eR

Day 2,846, 04:40 Published in Spain Spain by FalkonESP

Well, I read an article of Medusa about a post of Fanaxidiel in eR forum:
Article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-podremos-arreglar-el-juego-entre-todos-can-we-fix-the-game-altogether-esp-eng--2549021/1/20
Post: https://forum.erepublik.com/index.php?/topic/4360-the-factory-system-applied-to-fighting

In the beginning I thought that it was impossible, like now..... as impossible as my idea (well, not mine, because it´s used in other games)..... why?....

Anyway, I decided write a post in eR forum:

Well. One of the big problems of eR is that there arent new citizens. Years ago, people worked hard to get referrers, but today it´s very difficult because the dynamic of this game (at less, in a individual way).

But could be another way. For example, a country spends a determinate amount of CC, and the game opens for it a countdown for future Bay Boom. In this time, any people can pay real money (€), to get a minimum amount of money choose for eR. When this money is got, eR use it (all, or a part), to put adverts in different websites, with the referrer links of the people who put money in the countdown.

Of this way, for eR is free advertise his game, the citizens get referrers, and the countries get new citizens.

----Of course, countries like Serbia, with all its power and CC..... well... could open a new baby boom countdown every week...

Solution (may): the CC necessary to open a baby boom countdown, could be connect with the power of the country (so, if the country was very powerful in the moment it want to open the countdown, he would had to put more CC, and vice versa). Of this way, countries that has been always weak, could do it easier.

----Other problems, visa player could get referrers always, and be stronger (if it´s possible) with respect to other citizens.

Solution: no solution, in my opinion. If they pay for it, they have by it.

People which pay for baby booms, could get a new medal, or a new.....decoration. But more like Elite Citiznen (under avatar). Why?, because we now that a lot of people (who can), pay only for it xD. And well, it´ll be an acknowledgment.

But the problem is.... what can new people do here?. All possible answer that I think, makes a lot of multies. For example a new very low division, where new citizens could get some gold to improve some lvl of some training camp, and then.... hold damage xD
Or well, I read about the factory to dont get exp..... well, it could be...

But we know that a lot of people´ll start making multies to get gold :/

Uff.. que pereza traducir mi pesimo inglés a español xDDD

Pues básicamente, el tema es que para facilitar baby booms, los Estados paguen una cantidad de CC para que se abra una cuenta atrás, tiempo en el cual cualquier ciudadano podrá donar dinero real hasta llegar a una cantidad estipulada por eR, con la cual se creará publicidad sobre el juego. A cambio, los nuevos ciudadanos se convertirían en referidos de los que pusieron la pasta.

Y bueno, que el CC necesario fuera acorde con las capacidades del país (cuanto mas fuerza/regiones/pasta/ciudadanos tenga, pues que mas CC tenga que poner), así los países pequeños pues no necesitarían tanto, y los fuertes no seguirían creciendo de forma desorbitada.
También claro, que los visa pues seguirían aumentando su poder, pero vamos…. Que eso es lo de menos, total, lo mismo da que te pisen el cuello con un pie que con otro xD

Luego que si también hace falta algun cambio para que esa gente se quede, y pues eso, algo sobre una división novel para los levels mas bajos, y referencia a las posibles fabricas de inhibición de exp, que podría ayudar a los novatos a un mix entre holdear daño y pegar….. pero claro, todo esto ya sabemos que llama a las multies a gritos…

Y ya finalmente lo de una condecoración en plan Elite Citizen…

Yah ta!