Why a Nation?

Day 2,445, 11:09 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna

For a change, let me not troll. Maybe I still have that person in me who is infamous for being a *different person* and *serious*

I am normally, a kind of person who disregards most of the established things which drive the adrenalin.

The thing called NATION is one of such aspects. Sure, I will not stand any insult to India but I would not stand the same with any country, because it’s associated with our pride, my pride, the pride that comes from the feeling that we own it.

At the same time, I disregard it to own entire earth. I am a part of the world. India is just an illusion I created for myself on paper..

Why this difference? May be because my understanding of age old Indian principles told me that all human created barriers, makes no difference for the rest of nature, except humans and these divisions will, fade with time.

Then again, why are you willing to defend it then? Isn’t it same according to you if it is called India or something else?

Hmm, yes, it makes no difference; it makes no difference until it comes down to the efforts and aspirations of people who worked for the land that bears me. May be I am indirectly respecting my predecessors and their heritage rather than the *land mass*.

Here I have to quote a sentence written by one of the great Telugu poets, Gurajada Appa Rao in his

patriotic song దేశమును ప్రేమించుమన్నా(Desamunu Preminchumanna (Love the Nation))

దేశమంటే మట్టి కాదోయి, దేశమంటే మనుషులోయి

(A country is not its soil but its people)

Arguably one of the best national patriotic songs one can ever read. Infact, I never came across a song which can be used by any nation except this. (more at end of the article if you are interested)

Yes, may it’s the reason. Maybe this influence made me fall in love with reading people and learning about new cultures. Maybe I love this land less than this Romanian(I am told so) does!

We do not need to die for our nation, give up all our wealth or even do what the old man, posted at end of article does. Infact we need to live, we just need to realise, if we don’t act for it, no one else will.

Let us put our egos aside, differences to rest, let us show what we are so famous for, unity in diversity. It is what our people gave us, let us not let it down for our own sake.


You can find original form of దేశమును ప్రేమించుమన్నా here and translated Desamunu Preminchumanna here, the best translation I could get of it.

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