WHOA There My Click Happy Friend...

Day 1,934, 13:05 Published in USA Republic of China (Taiwan) by Trickstir

I know many new players may think the best thing to do in eRepublik is level up. I mean come on in most MMO's and other games for that matter the number one goal is to become Superman. Well, here a eRepublik you don't wanna let you level out weigh your strength.

That being said if you are new slow down on that fight clicking, when fighting you gain experience points, this in turn moves you up in levels. Div I is a really nice place to get a few Battle Hero Metals, and learn about other things in this game.

Beard? If I fight my 25 fights that get the Daily Order Completed, and I do my training and work what is left to do? Well my friend why not try some things that the game does not advertize, meet people on IRC, join a political party. I am a member of the Federalist Party an ongoing party of old and new players alike we have a forum, and a pretty hopping IRC Channel. Links for which can be found at the bottom of all Fear The Beard articles. Plus, if you are building strength and doing your daily order you will collect tons of bazooka parts, and candy bars. Then while you sitting around waiting for tomorrow you can investigate different MU's.

Well if you choose to take my advice, and build up that strength come see me I am at #fedpartychat for IRC, or http://fedparty.forumotion.com. The Proudest and Horniest places on the internet. Fear the Beard keeping it Proud and Horny as long as my Alzheimer's will allow me to remember.