Where to Ireland?

Day 3,017, 07:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by Liam Tatlock

Reading through this article fascinates me

Austerity rules?

The UK has more than enough problems under a right wing government, whose aim is to privatise everything it can get it's hands on for the benefit of it's banker backers. I was aware that Ireland had been placed on the danger list by the European money men, but hadn't realised the extent that the vulnerable had been hit, though austerity cuts always hit the worst off and seems to barely touch the ones with money.

To this end, I'd be really, really interested to hear from Irish citizens as to whether the article is accurate and how harsh things have been in recent years.


No FG-FF coalition

It looks like Ireland is in for a period of confusion with no clear direction, though, from a distance, FF and FG have always looked very similar. Labour's vote seems to have "done a Scotland" and collapsed, so they now seem to have emulated the LibDems in the UK and have paid for supporting an unpopular government with unpopular policies.