What is the Objective?

Day 1,912, 11:23 Published in USA USA by Innate

The first time I wrote an article, I mentioned that one of my first actions was to join the USWP. Not long after that, I became involved with recruiting new members to the party.

For me, this has simply meant sending out a common mail to players new to the eUSA. The vast majority of the time, I am completely ignored. Every so often though, someone replies with a question, and there is one particular question that I would like to write about today.

I was asked what is the objective in this game? What was the point of it?

Now, this wasn't what I was expecting, and I didn't really have an answer for it. Most of the questions I had encountered previously were things that I could deal with-navigation or simple game mechanics, things that have definitive answers.

So I pushed back my chair, and stopped to think about the question for 5 minutes. What was the purpose of eRepublik, what was the objective...and then it hit me.

The only objective in this game, is that which you set yourself.

To be fair, this is probably true of most, if not all, games. However, I think this is especially true of eRepublik. The game isn't going to give you a purpose. You have to find your purpose yourself.

If that means you decide that you want to make the eUSA the greatest eCountry-then great! If that means you want to be the guy who has the most strength-well that is your decision.

What struck me most about this, was how it paralleled real life. In my experience, you can either set your own objectives, your own aims, or someone will set them for you.
And if you aim high, and you can expect a reward proportional to your efforts. Aim low, well, I think you get the idea.

So, if there is one message I'd like to get across in this article, it is aim high. Set your own objectives. Define your own purpose.

Oh and in the process, lets make the eUSA #1.